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也会去运用语感。and kind of the way that it does function.

语文素质的核心是语感。The core of language quality is language sense.

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同样的道理,达到了一定的量,“语感”就产生了。By the same token, achieved certain amount, "language sense" is created.

阅读是培养语感的有效途径之一。One of the most effective ways to develop language intuition is reading.

在二语习得中,语感这一概念可谓“可意会不可言传”。The concept of language sense is ' understandable yet indescribable in SLA.

每天读一段英语短文来培养语感。Try to read a short English passage every day to build up your language sense.

需要说明的是,语感是学好英语的最高境界。Explanation for you, the language sense is the highest state of learning English well.

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阅读英语简易读物,大声朗读一些自己认为好的东西,培养语感。Second, read simple reading materials and then read aloud some well-written paragraphs.

但当你学到足够多的时候,你会有一定的语感,But it's something that if you learn enough about it, and you'll be able to find the rhythm

从原型理论来看语感图示构成一个连续体,而从突显观角度来看语感图示是辐射型的。They form a continuum from prototype perspective and are radiative from the salience perspective.

而无须再做更多无谓的投资。你可以借助它来攻克发音和培养英语语感。It can help you with your pronunciation and let you hae the sense you need when you speak English.

为了培养语感,并且更好地理解课文的意义,孩子需要快速流畅地朗读,这种技巧被称为流利程度。To gain meaning from text, your child needs to read quickly and smoothly — a skill known as fluency.

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欧美名曲、乡村小调让你畅游西方音乐海洋,增强语感,同时了解艺术背景。Famous songs and lyrics help students enhance their sense of language and cultivate their music tastes.

语感培养,就是要使学生的心理世界形成对言语对象进行加工改造的图式结构。Language sense enhancement aims to helping students construct a psychological schema to process language.

不知道说什么好,我正在遗忘语言知识,最重要的是语感!I don't know what to say, but i am mislaying the language knowledge and most importantly the language sense!

我们可以运用语感识别、语境识别和语言识别等策略进行识别和修改。We can identify and correct them through the strategies of language sense, context or other linguistic means.

如果没有平时对语法的准确掌握和坚持不懈的大声朗诵,是无法建立好的语感的。If no peacetime to grammar accurately mastering and persistent aloud, is unable to establish a good language sense.

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模糊理论视阈内的语感教学的过程。Fuzzy Theory threshold in the sense of language teaching with intuitive, holistic and Implication of characteristics.

半个世纪以前,夏丏尊和叶圣陶两位老先生就倡导语文教学要重视语感训练。Half a century ago, the training of sense of language in Chinese teaching had been advocated by Mr. Xia Mianzun and Mr.

事实上,英语语感就是英语被翻译时失去的那点东西,即使是下意识的。Actually, the sense of English language derives exactly from what is lost when English is translated, even subconsciously.