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歌手身上佩带贴身传声筒。The singer was body-miked.

我常穿法兰绒做贴身衣。She bought a gray flannel coat.

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我常穿法兰绒做贴身衣。I always wear flannel next my skin.

烤鸡前先将鸡贴身扎紧。Truss the chicken before you roast it.

买件性感的睡衣或者贴身内衣。Splurge on a sexy nightgown or lingerie.

最后的一张贴身图片。The final close-up shot of this brooder.

里料为棉,贴身保暖。In the material as cotton, personal warmth.

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以舒身,贴身,健康多方面来考虑。To many, health, close-fitting go to consider.

请你将贴身的佩戴的金属饰物摘去。Please take off all metal jewellery you are wearing.

她是金正日最贴身的人,他也是病榻和医院大门的守护者。"She's the one guarding the bedroom or hospital door.

李小龙的贴身发力功夫就是最好的例子。Bruce Lee's two-inch punch is a famous example of this.

极其精致的女士贴身衬衫。Extremely sophisticated with figure-hugging femininity.

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短马靴中部的弯曲以及天鹅绒马甲贴身舒适。Jodhpurs curved to the waist and velvet vests were snug.

我和6岁的弟弟成了她的贴身保镖。My 6-year old brother and I became her constant bodyguards.

贴身的腿部剪裁下摆有弹性约束力。Close-fitting leg has a cropped hem with elasticized binding.

在总决赛中,他同国家队队友、上海鲨鱼队的姚明展开了贴身较量。Yao Ming of the Shanghai Sharks in the champion- ship series.

中国舞考生须穿著贴身舞衣及舞鞋。Chinese dance candidates please wear leotards and dance shoes.

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这是我为圣帕布帕德做贴身服务的第一个月。This was my first month in Çréla Prabhupäda's personal service.

别具匠心的木质的把手更是给你贴身的隔热保护。We caring of you by the usage of the wood handle to protect you.

睡袍尚有贴身口袋+长睡裤腰部有松紧带,前有系绳绑带。Long Pajama pants have an elasticized waist drawstring tie front.