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也许发生在我们身边的是是非非。May occur in the performance of our side.

世间的是是非非都是相对的。Right and wrong in this world are relative.

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世间的是是非非都是相对的。Right on today is not always right on tomorrow.

于是,是是非非,纷纷扰扰,生活平添几多愁。So, right and wrong, confused, life add much sorrow.

是是非非都一无所有,为甚么这颗心还在跳。Nothing wrong are all why this heart is still beating.

只是心倦了,不想再理会所有的是是非非。Just heart flagged tired, I don't want to ignore all. Take inventory.

多少是是非非,多少恩恩怨怨,尽然刹那间灰飞烟灭。The number of right and wrong, how much rivalry, quite the instant ashes.

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能够在是是非非的环境中保持平静与和谐,这就是个人的成长。To be serene and peaceful in all circumstances is a sign of personal growth.

以至于趟在床上想了很多,做梦都净是些是是非非,过往与现在。Lying on bed, I thought a lot. Even I dreamed a lot at the night, the past and the present.

时间的修女,人世间的是是非非都已经看到,听到或者经历过了。The nun of time, between the world is dispute blame has seen, hear or had been experienced.

美国和汽车之间的是是非非并不会从此彻底了断——但是激情已经冷却。It does not bring a definitive end to America's affair with the automobile – but passions are cooling.

对大家也一样,我们没有必要去计较是是非非,我们没有这个时间和精力。Everyone is the same, we did not need to care about right and wrong, we do not have the time and energy.

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一时间,有关二手房交易税的是是非非被炒得沸沸扬扬。For a time, the second-hand housing transactions tax controversies surrounding this subject in seething hot.

所以我们要学会放下,凡事看淡一些,不牵挂,不计较,是是非非无所谓。无论失去什么,都不要失去好心情。So we have to learn to put down everything, bearish, not worry, do not care about right and wrong, no matter.

在讨论是是非非之前,有人想知道转世的真实含义吗?Before we discuss the right or wrong, Is there anybody who is interested in discovering the truth of reincarnation?

走过红尘的是是非非,逾越不了千年的距离,风迷离的那一季,带走你莞尔的容颜。Through the dust of right and wrong, can not exceed the Millennium distance, wind blurred the season, take your smiling face.

抛开是是非非不论,这一事件至少已经显示出视频网站对于影视剧内容的空前重视。Be being cast is dispute blame no matter, this one incident has shown video website at least to content of drama of movie and TV all-time take seriously.

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离开已经发生的是是非非不容易,詹姆斯一直是今夏所有博客和故事的主角,他已经读过也理解。Moving on and away from what happened has not been easy. James has been the subject of stories and blogs all summer. He has read them and he understands.

至于观点、见解的是是非非,未必是主要的,主要的恐怕是引起有关方面对此问题的重视,并见诸于行动。As to viewpoint, opinion is dispute blame, may not is main, be afraid basically is to cause take seriously about what just face this problem, see all at the action.

好在现在所有的事情告一段落,虽然我不知道什么时候它又将掀起又一轮的是是非非,享受当下的快乐吧。You are still a child but with sophiscated mind. Before you really know how to be hypocritical, you are still an annoying person. But I will not blame for you any more.