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好聚好散,以后,还是朋友。A friend, or after.

以后咱需要五座炼铝厂咩?But do we need five?

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我以后给你打电话。I'll ring you later.

好的,以后再聊。OK. Catch you later.

为以后节约一些。Save some for later.

还是热恋以后。Still in love after.

现在先记在账上,以后再付款。Charge now, pay later.

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再见,以后再聊。Bye, talk to you later.

一年以后我们结婚了。A year later we married.

从那以后,我再没替人看过房子。I never house-sat again.

我会的。以后再聊。I will. Catch you later!

晚10点以后不用手提。No laptops after 10 p.m.

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那以后你做了什么?And then what did you do?

好聚好散,以后,还是朋友。Good, later, or a friend.

那是过了三个月以后的事。Three months had elapsed.

以后再说吧!The hereafter says agains!

四点半以后来。Any time after four-thirty.

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在以后的时间里我该怎么做?!我没主意!I don't know how can I do !

你以后少看点电视。You'd better watch less TV.

她双眼紧闭,从这以后就再也未睁开过双眼。She never did open her eyes.