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骨粉是很好的肥料。Bone meal is great fertilizer.

骨粉是最佳肥料之一。Crushed bones make one of the best fertilizers.

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这自然是过磷酸骨粉的功效。Surely this is due to the superphosphate bone meal.

CT扫描显示融合器中的自体骨移植物和人工骨粉已和PW进行了融合。CT scans showed that PW fused with grafts and bone dust in cages.

这样的肉骨粉是来自动物死亡的疾病在第一。This kind of bone meal is from the animal dying of illness at first.

同时她还加入了骨粉和鱼卵,这些都极大地提高了营养成分的含量。She also adds salmon bonemeal and roe to her mix, which boosts nutrient level.

骨瓷的基本成分是加入骨粉的高岭土和白墩子。Bone china porcelain is basically made by adding bone ash to kaolin and petuntse.

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对鱼粉中的组氨酸、对肉骨粉中的苏氨酸利用率最低。Histidine was lowest for fish meal while threonine was lowest for meat and bone meal.

肉骨粉呈棕褐色,以新鲜牛骨头和肉为原料。Meanwhile Meat Bone Meal is brown powder using fresh bovine bone and meat as raw material.

由于肉骨粉的蛋白含量高于植物粕,取代这些肉骨粉将需要更多的植物粕。Replacing all of that MBM would take more vegetable meal, since MBM protein levels are higher.

1997年,加拿大开始禁止把反刍动物肉和骨粉当作饲料。In1997 canada introduced a ban on the feeding of ruminant meat and bone meal to ruminant animals.

这婴儿的食品是由马奶、牛骨粉、玉米面、葡萄糖等成分配制的。The baby's food is made of mare's milk, bull's bone powder, corn flour, grape sugar and other elements.

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本机适用于羽毛粉、鱼粉、血粉、肉骨粉、餐厨垃圾等高湿、高粘度物料烘干。The machine applies to the drying of the high-humidity and high-viscosity materials, such as feather meal.

趁着玛拉没发现,我把那几颗磨牙飞快的藏入泥土里,和各种头发、粪便、骨粉、血粉一起藏进玛拉看不见的泥土里。And I push the one, two, three molars into the dirt and hair and shit and bone and blood where Marla won't see.

另外须在栽植坑的底部放一些月季专用肥料或骨粉。If required, the addition of proprietary rose food or bone meal, into the base of the hole, should be done now.

本研究以狗母鱼、金线鱼、罗非鱼、鲮鱼及草鱼等加工废弃鱼骨为原料,研究酶解、高压处理对鱼骨粉质量的影响。The effects of enzymolysis and high pressure treatment on the quality of fish bone powder were study in detailed.

如果肉骨粉受禁,作为替代品的豆粕将会面临大幅度的需求增长。If meat and bone meal is banned, there will likely be a large increase in the demand for soybean meal a replacement.

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建立了进口饲料及肉骨粉中牛源性成分的PCR检测方法。PCR assay for detection and identification of bovine-derived materials in import animal feeds and food is developed.

方法应用颗粒状羟基磷灰石人工骨粉进行隆额隆鼻术。Methods Granule hydroxyapatite artificial bone dust was applied to perform operation of projecting forehead and nose.

研究了利用不同混凝剂处理壮骨粉生产废水的最佳工艺条件。The study examined the effects of different coagulants on treating grease wastewater and the optimal technology conditions.