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那些野餐的人受到了蜜蜂的滋扰。The picnickers were annoyed by the bees.

牧场上的马不断受马蝇滋扰。The horse in the meadow is pestered by flies.

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吹动的风,也并不见得对我滋扰之心能起到任何的宁神作用。Wind rising, doesn't help to soothe my ruffled spirits.

然而,它也可以成为滋扰,如果我们使用不当。However, it can also become a nuisance if we use it improperly.

在此种调解中支付的费用经常被称为摆脱诉讼滋扰费。The money paid in such a settlement is often termed nuisance money.

法官命令两名罪犯具结保证,在一年内不滋扰''。The judge bound over the two criminals to keep the peace for a year.

越多的人被搜查,越多无辜的人就会被滋扰。And the more people are searched, the more innocent people are hassled.

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无论你所唾弃的宠物会死,否则它会成为一个严重的滋扰。Either your spurned pet will die, or it will become a serious nuisance.

面对这些轻微滋扰,他沉着冷静、保持沉默。In these slight ruffles he retained both his composure and his reticence.

对体内均衡的任何滋扰都有可能损害人的有机体。Any interference with homeostasis is likely to be damaging to the organism.

村民们联合起来保卫他们的家庭以防流氓的滋扰。The villagers banded themselves together to protect their homes from the scoundrels.

有些人认为这些表演是滋扰。你认为政府可以做什麽?。Some find these public performances annoying. What do you think the government can do?

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需增设转车站,佔用更大空间,建造期间产生更多滋扰。Rail interchange required, more station footprint, more disturbance during construction.

每当那帮无家可归的酗酒闹事者过分滋扰公众时,警察就把他们抓起来。The police pulled those homeless alcoholics in whenever they got up the public's nose too much.

其实,几十年来旅行者都很欣赏他对各种旅行指南的取笑,他称之为“必要的滋扰”。Indeed, travelers for generations have enjoyed his laughter at “those necessary nuisances,” tour guides.

柱梁表示自己早有相关资格,乙迅听罢安排柱梁担任焚香滋扰案的调解员。Said he had the qualification, pillar YiXun listen to arrange beam as a mediator of incense of harassment case.

1968年,LACAN在巴黎面临着一群学生的滋扰的时候,告戒他们“你们需要一个上帝,你们应该要有一个上帝。”In 1968 Lacan, upon being confronted with a student mob in Paris, told them "you need a father, and you shall have one."

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研究以有效样本为446名的男性服刑人员为被试,涉及的犯罪类型有财产型、性罪错型、涉毒型、暴力型、滋扰型。About 446 male prisoners took part in the study, and the crime types included violence, drug trafficking, economic crime.

只要造成滋扰、失眠、惊吓或任何其他心理压力反应,任何形式的声音都可以视为污染。Any form of noise can be considered pollution if it causes annoyance, sleeplessness, fright, or any other stress reaction.

在东欧广袤土地上,遍布其间的诸多城镇需要武装防御突厥和鞑靼骑兵滋扰。In the wide spaces of eastern Europe, towns needed to be able to defend themselves against raids by Turkish or Tartar horsemen.