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我以前跟麦克内尔打过交道。I've dealt with Mcneil before.

尼克告诉我说,你以前也曾经跟车打过交道。Nick told me you used to work on cars.

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事故发生在那个无人看管的平交道。The accident happened at that unattended crossroads.

货车司机在抵达平交道之前先鸣汽笛。The driver whistled before reaching the level-crossing.

在和当前苦难的西方交道时,他们也似乎很矛盾。In their dealings with a stricken West, they appear conflicted.

你知道有谁以前是和这个人打过交道的?Do you personally know anyone who has dealt with this person before?

不能怪这只手不好,你跟这鱼已经打了好多少个钟点的交道啦。It is not the hand's fault and you have been many hours with the fish.

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我们和他打了这么久的交道,他会相信我们,让我们赊欠一两个星期的。We've traded there long enough to make him trust us for a week or two.

我们都曾经在不同的时间和静态语言和动态语言打过交道。We have worked with both static and dynamic languages, at various times.

太鲁阁号倾斜式列车正通过港西街平交道进入基隆站。Taroko Tilting Electric Multiple Unit TEMU1000 was entering Keelung Station.

这些高管多数之前从未与马打过交道,而且此后也许再也不会见到一匹马。Most have never had contact with horses, and they may never see a horse again.

巡道车正要通过施厝寮旗站旁的平交道。The patrol car was passing the crossing beside the She-Tzuo-Liao flag station.

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反对者可能没有同赵福全这样受过海外教育之经理打过交道。Naysayers also may not have met internationally trained Geely managers like Zhao.

多数美国人除了违反交通规章制度外从未和警察打过交道。Most Americans never have any contact with the police except for traffic violations.

他们直接与人做了交道,并鼓励驾驶员使用他的权力来帮助他们。They made human contact, and encouraged the pilot to use his authority to help them.

但是此次的对手是曾经与美寿寿打过交道的,阿功德不动产的濑古井。But the opponent is ever dealt with beauty ShouShou, o qualities of seen seto realty.

这位探险家在这一年多的旅途时间里和蛇,蝎子以及野狗打“交道”。The adventurer had spent nearly two years dealing with snakes, scorpions and wild dogs.

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在和蜜蜂打了很多年的交道后,卡尔·冯·弗里斯教授一次次对自己的发现感到困惑。As soon as one bee discovered the honey, many more came to it one after another in a short time.

我曾经在半夜,和这些印度的软件工程师,打过交道。I have personal experience dealing with these Indian software engineers in the middle of the night.

印尼是个特别的国家,印尼人民与自然灾害打过特别艰难的交道。Indonesia is an extraordinary country who has known extraordinary hardships from natural disasters.