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我希望生活能宽待你。I hope life treats U kind.

不应太宽待自己。Should not treat ourselves too lenient.

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加拿大移民政策特别宽待树袋熊,式真的么?Is it true that Canada has lax immigration policies for Koalas?

我很幸运比尔和董事会都对我很宽待。But I am a lucky in that Bill and the board have been really good to me.

嘿,小鸟,请问一下,加拿大移民政策特别宽待树袋熊,式真的么?Hey, birdie, Ok. Is it true that Canada has lax immigration policies for Koalas?

历史表明,上帝并没有宽待林肯,约翰逊最终当上了总统。History shows us that God didn't spare Lincoln and Johnson eventually became president.

好客就是花时间帮助邻舍,也是宽待那些犯错的人。It means spending time helping a neighbor. It means leaving room for people to make mistakes.

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乌尔班是绝不宽待,伽利略将来到罗马,在宗教法庭出庭应讯。Urban is implacable, Galileo will come to Rome and will appear before the Holy Office of the Inquisition.

日本在以色列建国前宽待过犹太人,因此犹太人对日本人充满感激之情。The Jews feel grateful to the Japanese because Japan treated the Jews kindly before the founding of Israel as a state.

王嘱咐约押,亚比筛,以太说,你们要为我的缘故宽待那少年人押沙龙。And the king commanded Joab and Abishai and Ittai, saying, Deal gently for my sake with the young man, even with Absalom.

我们的军队还有正确的争取敌军官兵和宽待俘虏的政策。Our army also pursued correct policies in winning over enemy officers and men in giving lenient treatment to prisoners of war.

于是吩咐百夫长看守保罗并且宽待他,也不拦阻他的亲友来供给他。He ordered the centurion to keep Paul under guard but to give him some freedom and permit his friends to take care of his needs.

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司法对掌权者显然宽待,日后执政者的滥权必将更为明目张胆。Obviously, the judiciary here was too lenient toward those in power. It could be expected that they would abuse power even more brazenly in the future.

于是吩咐百夫长看守保罗并且宽待他,也不拦阻他的亲友来供给他。And he commanded a centurion to keep Paul, and to let him have liberty, and that he should forbid none of his acquaintance to minister or come unto him.

我是个真诚、善解人意、富有亲和力和责任感的人,注重修养和生活情趣,善待自己,宽待别人。只要和我相处或共事,就能感受到我的坦诚、细心、善良和敬业。I am a sincere, understanding, full of friendly people and a sense of responsibility, pay attention to cultivation and life, to treat themselves, others lenient.

瓦解敌军和宽待俘虏的办法虽然目前收效尚未显著,但在将来必定会有成效的。Although our measures for disintegrating the enemy troops and for treating prisoners of war leniently have not yielded conspicuous results as yet, they will certainly do so in the future.

我们的这种政策是坚持的,例如日军现已公开声言要对八路军施放毒气,即使他们这样做,我们宽待俘虏的政策仍然不变。We will persevere in this policy of ours. For instance, we shall not change it even if the Japanese army carries out its declared intention of using poison-gas against the Eighth Route Army.