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然后,他们复制并移动到唾液腺。Then they replicate and move to the salivary glands.

我的眼睛水大汗现在一样,我的唾液腺。My eyes water profusely now, as do my salivary glands.

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有五对唾液腺通向口腔。The five pairs of salivary glands open into the mouth.

最终病毒会到达蚊子的唾液腺。The virus eventually gets into the mosquito's salivary glands.

我们报告一例少见的位于下三分之一颈部的异位性唾液腺及瘘管。We report a rare case of HSG with fistula in the lower third region of the neck.

这组科学家发现Asaia菌生活在蚊子的胃和唾液腺中。The researchers found that Asaia colonise the mosquitoes' gut and salivary glands.

实验结果可以认为,中国水牛的鼻唇腺是属于唾液腺,而不该归属于皮肤腺。From this study, we may consider this gland a salivary gland, but not the gland of the skin.

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立即停用硫普罗宁,唾液腺肿大逐渐消退。Tiopronin was discontinued immediately, and her salivary glands swelling subsided gradually.

而清洗也可引发嘴部、咽喉和唾液腺的肿胀和口臭。Purging can also trigger swelling in the mouth, throat, and salivary glands as well as bad breath.

你可能会觉得这不错,其实,人的嗅觉和味觉还有另外微妙的功能,"昂德希尔指出,“这些手段是在刺激你的唾液腺,让你感到肌饿。Well duh, you may say. But smell and taste can serve another subtle function too, Underhill notes.

泪腺和唾液腺淋巴细胞增生,可引起两侧腺体无痛性肿大。Proliferation of lymphocytes in lacrimal and salivary glands may cause bilateral painless enlargement.

口癌范围包括口腔癌、唾液腺癌和口咽癌。Oral cancer includes the subcategories of malignancy in the oral cavity, salivary glands, and oropharynx.

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但因为唾液腺位置的缘故,门牙上也非常容易有牙垢的出现。The inside of these incisors is also particularly prone to tartar because there are -salivary glands here.

唾液腺、泪腺功能检查、腮腺造影、下唇唇腺活检是必不可少的诊断方法。Examining function of salivary and lacrimal gland or sialography as well as lower lip biopsy is necessary for the diagnosis.

大的腺体,如胰腺或大的唾液腺,是由管道或小袋的复杂结合组成的。Large glands, such as the pancreas or the large salivary glands, consist of complicated combinations of tubes or little sacs.

因为下颈部异位性唾液腺常伴随管窦腔,所以其胚胎的来源可能是鳃弓器。Because HSG is associated with sinus tract, the embryologic origin of HSG in the lower neck may be from the branchial apparatus.

根据唾液腺动态图像,建立腮腺和颌下腺的时间放射性曲线,并计算有关功能参数。A time-activity cure of each salivary gland was drawn and functional parameters were calculated with dynamic salivary gland images.

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目的研究放射性药物唾液腺显像定量分析对干燥综合征的诊断价值。Objective To study the diagnostic value of quantitative analysis of radiopharmaceutical imaging of salivary gland on Sjgren's syndrome.

三对大的唾液腺把唾液注入口中,唾液湿润食物并利用叫做酶的化学物质开始消化。Six large salivary glands pour saliva into the mouth. Saliva moistens the food and starts digestion by means of chemicals called enzymes.

结论加味生脉散可减轻鼻咽癌患者急性口腔黏膜反应,保护唾液腺的功能。ConclusionSupplement- ed Shengmai San can relief the acute oral mucosa reaction of NPC and protect the secretion function of salivary gland.