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一念放下,万般自在。A put down, all at home. Read.

万般皆下品,唯有读书高!Burnished inferior, only reading high!

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同一气息呼出万般矛盾心肠Breathing all Contraries with the same Wind

纵是万般的相隔,也敌不过翻山越岭的祝福。Just so you know, we are under the same moon.

在万般徘徊中,她求助于作者。In all, she oscillated resorting to the author.

纵有万般不舍,我再也无法活在你的书里了。As much I want to, I can't live in your book anymore.

这种人生长恨犹如水长东流那样必然和万般的无奈。The life of regret as water so certain and very long East.

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万般有奈之高他们只能靠着大树等候救济。They had no choice but to wait for help when clinging to a tree.

万般尘埃皆虚幻,唯有眼前故应真。Worth of dust are illusory, only the immediate and should be true.

一曲相思,两种惆怅,万般妩媚,终究断肠。Acacia, two kinds of melancholy, worth of charming, after all heartbroken.

皇家总统套房更让您感受万般尊崇、广夏千间的至尊体验。The Royal President's suite make you feel homage and sovereign experiences.

他们既然是我继母的亲戚,我很乐于表示我对他们的万般敬意。As my mother-in-law's relations, Ishall be happy to show them every respect.

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大多数古人认为万般皆下品唯有读书高。Most ancient Chinese people thought that nothing is lofty except reading books.

千般无奈,万般委屈,这一刻,尽情释放。Thousand sorts are helpless, ten thousand sort injustices, this a moment, heartily release.

终于,你鼓起万般勇气,敲定要和你心仪已久的热门对象约会。After summoning the courage, you finally land a date with the hot chick you’ve been lusting for.

到头来却也只能叹一句,万般皆有命,半点不由人!In the end but also can sigh a, ten thousand sorts all have a life, the least bit not from person!

她固有万般的变化,而却只称颂一物——未来的理性原则。And, through all her diverse ways, she glorifies but one thing, which is the future rule of reason.

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照片激起我心中的万般柔情,抚慰这周遭一切的冷酷。The picture has aroused all the tender feelings in me and softened the grimness that is all around.

天宇清风中万般美貌芳容总是从其根须获得元气。Everything that blooms in beauty in the air of heaven draws its fairness, its vigor, from its roots.

略显霸气的贵族机动新星在用涂料体系全力包装后便在这个沙漠国家炽热的太阳光下万般之耀眼。Enrobed in this paint system, the proud VIP-mobile now gleams in the blazing sun of this desert state.