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需要进一步探究的方法.B. Areas for further exploration.

我们将在下面探究该问题。We will explore this question below.

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他要探究为何利西达斯要死去。He tries to make sense of Lycidas' death.

她探究这种习俗的起源。She delved into the origins of the custom.

实际上我们今天将探究更多的东西。We'll explore more of this today, actually.

你也可以通过习惯化和惊奇来进行探究You could also do habituation and surprise.

并且探究出解决问题的方法。And find out the way of solving the problems.

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现在,许多其他的研究者正在探究CBM。Many other researchers are now exploring CBM.

②落实探究性学习的探索。Carries out the zetetic study the exploration.

他想探究女人动情的原因。He is trying to find out what turns on women.

发挥探究式学习的力量。Harnessing the power of inquiry-based learning.

但是探究具体原因毫无意义。But searching for a precise reason is pointless.

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这是这首诗所探究的矛盾。These are antinomies that the poem is exploring.

探究式学习往往是一个问题解决的过程。Inquiry learning is a process of problem solving.

我们在接下来的部分探究这个概念。We will explore this concept in the next section.

在刑法理论中,通常将教唆犯作为共犯的一种类型加以探究。It is not a and differs from instigator in nature.

这么多年来,我一直都在苦苦探究,究竟什么才是爱?。Over the years, I have been learning what is love.

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本文探究这些事物的形成原由。This article explores how these things came to be.

不过那时我还没有探究到这些微妙关系。But in those days I did not go into such subtleties.

也许我们将在未来的专栏中探究此问题。Perhaps we'll explore this issue in a future column.