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一个苹果夏娃吃了。The one that Eve ate.

或许亚当夏娃会替亚伯报仇。Perhaps Adam and Eve would.

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这使我想起了亚当和夏娃。It reminded me of Adam and Eve.

这种想法从亚当和夏娃以来就开始了。It all started with Adam and Eve.

夏娃说是蛇诱惑了她。Eve says that the snake seduced her.

“好了,夏娃的女儿,请吃吧。”羊怪说。"Now, Daughter of Eve! " said the Faun.

我们所有的动物都听到了在跟夏娃说话,说话的内容好像是他在怂恿夏娃去采食一棵树上的果实。All of us animals heard him talking with Eve.

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我十分肯定亚当岩藻糖克季夏娃的屁股。I'm quite sure Adam F U C Ked Eve in the ass.

夏娃咬了一口之后把苹果带给亚当。After Eve took a bite, she took the apple to Adam.

圣大声叫他的圣诞夜夏娃玩具什么?表示同意的每人,睡眠时间!What did Santa shout to his toys on Christmas Eve?

我们可以指责撒旦让亚当夏娃犯罪。We can blame the devil for making Adam and Eve sin.

亚当和夏娃是“躲猫猫”游戏的鼻祖。Adam and Eve played the first game of hide and seek.

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那条毒蛇诱使夏娃摘取禁果。The Serpent tempted Eve to pick the forbidden fruit.

在伊甸园?亚当和夏娃跟神沟通。Adam and Eve conversed with God in the Garden of Eden.

于是亚当、夏娃及那条蛇各领其罚。So Adam and Eve and the snake, the lead of their fine.

此时我们看到那条蛇躲在一边,边看着亚当和夏娃边咯咯地阴笑。We saw the snake cackling and pointing atAdam and Eve.

这就是亚当和夏娃偷吃了禁果。It's the eating of the forbidden fruit by Adam and Eve.

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亚当和夏娃听命令后,答应遵照执行。Adam and Eve listened and promised that they would obey.

夏娃解释说,是蛇欺骗了她。She gave it to me. Eve explains, the serpent tricked me.

事实上,蛇对夏娃所讲的都是事实。And in fact that's certainly true. He tells her the truth.