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该产业正在迅猛增长。This industry is growing phenomenally.

关键是要“多次出招,招招迅猛”。The key is to "hit hard and hit often."

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电脑正在迅猛地进入其他国家。The computers are driving into other countries.

不过,家纺市场增长势头迅猛。However, the rapid growth of home textiles market.

他们有如脱经的烈马,横冲直撞,迅猛异常。They had the bit in their teeth and they moved fast.

其结果就使对心脏实行外科手术的病例迅猛地在增强。The result has been a rapid increase in heart surgery.

比孔雀还骄傲,比火焰还迅猛。Prouder than the much-praised peacocks, fiercer than fire.

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巨大的推土机迅猛地从荒野中推出路来。Roads punched out of the wilderness by massive bulldozers.

基于服务器的老虎机现在仍属少数,不过增长迅猛。Server-based slots are still in a minority but growing fast.

这便是这类流行病可迅猛蔓延的本质原因。That is the essence of the dynamics of this kind of epidemic.

中国经济的迅猛增长,就像大冷天里释放了一个热气球。China's economy is going up like a hot air balloon on a cold day.

它发展迅猛,高楼大厦是上海的标志。It develops very fast. Tall buildings are the symbol of Shanghai.

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我国的教育信息化也在迅猛发展。Our country's education informationized is also fast developping.

我相信在这五年中,这个行业会迅猛发展的。I believe this business will rapidly developed in this five years.

在中国,清教的发展势头比天主教更为迅猛。The official Protestant Church is growing faster than Catholicism.

人们强烈抗议工业迅猛增长所带来的一系列恶果。There was an outcry against the concomitants of industrial growth.

到本世纪为止,高股息市场的发展最为迅猛。High-dividend markets have also performed best so far this century.

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中国对亚洲地区投资起步晚,发展迅猛。The investment of China in Asia started late but developed rapidly.

该研究还预测低糖软饮料市场将迅猛增长。The study also forecast an explosion in the diet soft-drink market.

迅猛的通货膨胀和抢购造成重大的商品缺乏。Rapid inflation and above curtailments acquired by agitation buying.