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浆果的脸颊圆润而可爱。The berrys cheek is plumper.

他用圆润宏亮的音调唱歌。He sang with a mellow, round, voice.

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该九眼天珠珠身圆润,小巧可爱。The nine days round beads body, cute.

她的嗓音圆润、浑厚,他的蓝调布鲁斯和民谣非常罗曼蒂克,非常有古典美。Her smooth R&B balladry is very moving.

他的歌声嘹亮圆润,丝毫没有矫揉造作之感。In 1, his song and mellow, no affectation.

期待着你那圆润的双唇再吐音泉。Of watching up thy pregnant lips for more.

我已学会用柔音使自已的吐字圆润委婉。I learned to use a soft voice to oil my words.

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酒体丰腴,柔和而圆润,回味隽永。Full-bodied, soft and round, with a long finish.

年轻时丹宁强劲,成熟时优雅而圆润。Tannic when young, round and elegant if matured.

两片小而圆润的嘴唇好似郁金香的球茎般丰满。Her tiny, round lips were full like a tulip bulb.

一份狗鞭菜周围用鲜艳圆润的樱桃围边。The dog's comes garnished with a bulbous glacé cherry.

蒙太尼里的声音很低,却圆润、响亮。Montanelli's voice was rather low, but full and resonant.

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它的内部则有圆润的过渡,一切浑然天成。Its interior has fruity transition, all like nature itself.

我们静听暮色苍茫中响起的一个圆润洪亮的声音。We listened to a rich voice which rolled out into the dusk.

回味持久,圆润,令此酒颇为优雅迷人。A long, aromatic aftertaste rounds this wine out beautifully.

布面组织饱满圆润、手感滑爽、具有亮丽的光泽、安康时髦。Fabric surface is full and smooth with High color brilliance.

口感清新圆润、水果香味浓郁,酒体协调性好、余味长。Taste fresh, mellow fruit flavor, wine ADPL good, long finish.

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如果这就是所等待的圆润,那可不怎么样。If this was the awaited mellowing , it was not very pronounced.

在琴槌的毛毡上粘上小针以使音色圆润。Sticking small needles into the hammer's felt creates mellowing.

浓郁的热带水果香气,芒果,荔枝与玫瑰味搭配和谐,圆润。It is harmonious and smooth with notes of mango, lichi and roses.