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除了贝武夫以外,所有的战士都畏惧着牠。All of the warriors are afraid of him except for Beowulf.

他将故事加以改写,以呈现贝奥武夫在两种文化下的挣扎。He rewrote the story to make Beowulf a man caught between two cultures.

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如果贝奥武夫已在这场大火吞噬,我们什么都可以读呢?And if Beowulf had been devoured in that fire, what would we all be reading now?

当贝奥武夫成功的杀死格兰戴尔,他还必须解决到格兰戴尔的母亲。When Beowulf succeeds in killing Grendel, he must then deal with Grendel's horrible mother.

爱格斗-毕奥武夫的父亲死后,里德国王成为毕奥武夫的监护人。The Geatish king who took Beowulf in as a ward after the death of Ecgtheow, Beowulf's father.

在贝奥武夫的故事里,丹麦正在被一个可怕的怪兽控制着,他叫做格兰戴尔。In the story of Beowulf, the Danes are being exterminated by a terrible monster called Grendel.

东京电力公司的发言人岩本武夫说,那名工人当即离开了现场。The worker left the scene immediately, said Takeo Iwamoto, a spokesman for Tokyo Electric Power.

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神奇的因素在第一埃达和贝奥武夫是简单和密切的联系与自然的现象。The magical element in the First Edda and in the Beowulf is simple and closely connected with nature phenomena.

日本东京千代田,遭受严重毁坏的万世桥火车站附近。中间是广濑武夫的雕像。In the vicinity of the badly damaged Manseibashi Train Station in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan. The statue of Takeo Hirose.

海格拉是毕奥武夫的叔叔,济兹国的国王,也是海伊的丈夫。对于毕奥武夫从丹麦归来,海格拉表示无尽欢迎。Beowulf's uncle, king of the Geats, and husband of Hygd. Hygelac heartily welcomes Beowulf upon his return from Denmark.

单从举止外貌来说,那种庄严神气,就使那群高视阔步的武夫们即使没有显得怪模怪样,也是俗不可耐了。Even in outward demeanour, they showed a stamp of majesty that made the warrior's haughty stride look vulgar, if not absurd.

龙,一条古老的,力大无比的巨蛇,守护着游牧民族的宝藏。在史诗的第三章和最后部分毕奥武夫和龙展开恶战。An ancient, powerful serpent that guards a horde of treasure. Beowulf fights the dragon in the third and final part of the epic.

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一个嫉妒毕奥武夫的丹麦士兵。安浮斯无力与,或者并不想与贝奥武夫战斗,因此他只能屈服于贝奥武夫。Danish warrior who is jealous of Beowulf. Unferth is unable or unwilling to fight Grendel, thus proving himself inferior to Beowulf.

庆典过程中,一位名叫恩费尔特的领主为了和贝奥武夫比赛投巨石,就讥讽他曾经输掉的游泳比赛。During the feast, a thane named Unferth tries to get into a boasting match with Beowulf by accusing him of losing a swimming contest.

许多其他的生意也是一样,应该能够提供一种能够带来稳定现金流的武夫,并以此得到的资金来完成初始产品的梦想。Many businesses may be able to develop a service offering that can bring steady cash flow sooner, and fund development of the original product.

就算这些学生和其他公立学校的学生研习同样的课程,例如英国神话贝奥武夫和英国历史都铎王朝,这些学生还是另外在清真寺耗费许多时间,在校外拼命作信仰的填鸭教育。But though they study the same subjects as other state-educated pupils—Beowulf and the Tudors adorn the walls—these children spend a lot of time in a Muslim cocoon.

迪武夫在上周与黑烧结束了合同之后,现在是一名自由球员,而布郎邀请他在寻找新俱乐部期间同普雷斯顿一起训练,以保持住身体体能。Diouf is a free agent after Blackburn paid up his contract last week and Brown has offered him the chance to maintain his fitness with Preston while he looks for a new club.

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自古以来文者相轻,武夫相薄,虽说是人性本能,但也未尝不能适当克制,以表宽容博大胸怀嘛!Wen faces light since ancient times, a military man-phase thin, although it is a very human instinct, but might not be appropriate restraint and tolerance to show magnanimity!

鲜有哪个拉塔塔克角斗士能干满几星期,更别提干满几年了。但有一个头脑简单的武夫却在这血腥的角斗场干了几乎两个标准年。Few Rattatak gladiators enjoy careers that span weeks, let alone years, but the simple brute known only as Giant Flog survived the bloody circuit for nearly two standard years.