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我想在生活中名利双收。I want fame and riches in my life.

哪种职业可确保你名利双收?Which career will ensure both fame and wealth for you?

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乐队其他成员继续名利双收,惟有贝斯特中途折戟。原因何在?Why didn't Best go on to fame and fortune with the others?

大家都说她正走上名利双收的路上。They all say she is stepping on her road to fames and fortunes.

现在,争论的焦点集中在了曼联能够“名利双收”,为什么我们不能?Now, your argument could be that Man Utd does that, why can't we?

第三阶段是树立品牌、名利双收。The third stage is sets up the brand, achieves both fame and fortune.

等名利双收的时候,还愁没有爱情?While waiting for the fame and fortune, but also sorrow without love?

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一切让你24小时赚钱不停,笑不笼嘴,名利双收。All make you money 24 hours non-stop, laugh do not cage mouth, fame and fortune.

做了坏事还想立牌坊,世界上哪有这种名利双收的好事呢?Li Paifang want to do bad things, fame and fortune in the world, how can this thing?

“告别空调暖气”让锋尚在今年名利双收。" valedictory air conditioning heating" Let front still gained much acclaim this year.

那么,他是继续待在那儿过着名利双收的生活,还是设法回到真正爱他的小男孩安迪身边呢?Should he stay and live a life of fame, or return to Andy, the boy who really loves him?

有些成功人士虽然曾中途辍学,但后来还是事业有成,名利双收。Some successful people managed to gain fame and fortune even though they dropped out of school.

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尽管那需要冒极大的风险,有时甚至还颜面尽失,但也可能为你带来名利双收。It's a tough, risky, possibly humiliating grab at the big brass ring of money, fame and fortune.

我真的不知他们能在这条他们不喜欢但是名利双收的路上走多久。I truly wonder how far they can go in something that they do not like but bring them a lot of money.

尽管名利双收,这位八十八岁的企业家还是穿着朴素的衬衫和已经褪色的领带。Despite his riches and fame, the 88-year-old entrepreneur was clad in a simple shirt and a faded tie.

尽管几米近来名利双收,但他还是喜欢静静呆在家里创作,陪伴妻女。Despite his newfound fame and wealth, Jimmy prefers working quietly at home with his wife and daughter.

在时尚和音乐界,T恤成功地找到了其高调的代言人,辅助其名利双收。In the worlds of fashion and music, the T-shirt has managed to find high-profile ambassadors who have helped earn it its fame and fortune.

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不难理解为什么亨利福特对T模型情有独钟,毕竟是这强悍的黑色汽车让他名利双收。It's not hard to understand why Henry Ford loved the Model T just as it was. After all, the sturdy black car had made him rich and famous.

这位威风凛凛的女人嘴边老是挂着字汇学家的名字,原来他曾经拜访过她一次,从此使她名利双收。In fact, the Lexicographer's name was always on the lips of this majestic woman, and a visit he had paid to her was the cause of her reputation and her fortune.

这可是天下奇观喔,如果真有人能用肚子唱歌,那一定会列入金氏世界纪录,而且很快就名利双收。This is a wonder of the world Oh, if anyone can use the belly to sing, it must be included in the Guinness Book of world records, and quickly gain both fame and wealth.