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把绳子绑成一个宽松的结。Tie the rope in a loose knot.

他的袜子宽松下垂及踝。His socks bagged at the ankles.

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我想一位淑女是不会穿宽松裤的。I don't think a lady would sag.

我喜欢宽松的。I prefer something loose-fitting.

妇女穿的宽松的晨衣。A loose dressing gown or negligee.

该表达式的限制更宽松。This expression is more inclusive.

她穿的宽松长袍刺绣精美。Her abaya was beautifully embroidered.

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我的JJ石更了,而且我穿的是很宽松的裤子。I was wearing pants and had an erection.

当我们用宽松的电线发现少数调光器。As we found few dimmers with loose wires.

比较宽松的服装规定会有比较高昂的士气。Morale is better with a more casual dress-code.

宽松的牛仔裤是美国说唱歌手典型的风格。The baggy style is typical for American rappers.

宽松舒适的鞋子可以成就一个快乐的旅行者。Comfy slip-on type shoes equals a happy traveler.

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髋关节比良好显型的髋关节还宽松。The hip joint is wider than a good hip phenotype.

在此,还是期待宽松的环境。Here, a sense of uncrowned discovery still awaits.

宽松的衣身,可以内搭T恤衫。Loose body piece, you can take the T-shirt inside.

银和钯同样面临宽松的市场。Silver and palladium face a similarly loose market.

当然,记得衣服最好是自然纤维的并且要宽松哦。Be sure your clothing is natural fabrics, and loose.

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大名政策优惠,环境宽松。Name preferential policies, the environment relaxed.

宽松的信用刺激了过去十年的繁荣。Easy credit fueled the prosperity of the past decade.

试穿的时候,先试最宽松的扣子。When trying it on, always start on the loosest clasp.