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其中有许多同形异义词,查检使用时须加分辨。There are many homonyms, so you have to distinguish.

这种外形相似的配子称为同形配子。Such similar-appearing gametes are called isogametes.

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其中7例属右同形位,1例属左同形位。Of which 7 were right isomerism and 1 was left isomerism.

同义词,反义词,同形同音异义词专业词典。Scholastic Dictionary of Synonyms, Antonyms, and Homonyms.

唇齿赋予声音飞翔的翅膀,而声音却无法携唇齿同形,它只能独自翱翔天际。A voice cannot carry the tongue and the lips that give it wings.

爱因斯坦注意到这两者都有对上帝的人神同形论的概念。Einstein noted that both have an anthropomorphic concept of God.

英语动物名词中一部分没有数的标记形式,传统上把他们归为单复数同形的名词。In English, some animal names don t have their marked forms of the number.

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在语义上,汉语兼语式是同形异义构块,而英语的SVOC是多义构块。In semantics, Jianyu construction is of homograph, while SVOC is polysemantic.

叶片为同形叶肉细胞组成的较均匀的结构。The lamina is more even structure of consists of the same kind mesophyll cell.

拼写相同意思不同的两个单词是同形异义词。Two words are homographs if they are spelled the same way but differ in meaning.

汉日同形异义词是汉日同形词中较为复杂的一类词汇。Chinese-Japanese words in a same form are a important point in Japanese education.

两个单词在发音和拼写上都相同时,叫完全同形异义词。When two words are identical in both sound and spelling, they are complete homonyms.

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典范规则即规范产业同形的社会化压力。Paradigmatic rules are socialized norms that force firms to take into isomorphism seriously.

这个层面的影响主要体现在语码混合、借词、同形异义词以及词汇搭配这几个方面。Such an influence is manifested in code mixing, loan words, homographs and word collocations.

双关语是使用音同义不同或同形异义词的一种修辞手段。Puns are a figure of speech based on a similarity and a disparity of meaning between two words.

在不同工艺条件下可制得不同形态和粒径的碳酸钙产品。We can get calcium carbonates of different shapes and grain sizes through different techniques.

在具同形孢子的植物中,只有一种雌雄性器官兼备的原叶体类型。In homosporous plants, there is only one type of prothallus with both male and female sex organs.

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第三章从词义的角度出发,将同形词分为同形同义词和同形异义词。In the third chapter, identical words have been divided into synonymy and homograph from semanteme.

克里安堤斯主张,没有了神人同形同性论,拜神等于无神论,这种说法的说服力或有效性何在?What is the force or validity of Cleanthes claim that without anthropomorphism, the worship of deity is atheism?

本文就多义名词、同形异义名词以及单、复数名词的语义模糊性进行了分析和阐述。This paper deals with the semantic fuzziness of polysemous nouns, homonymous nouns, and singular and plural nouns.