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那是在他还未换牙的日子。That was in his pre-veneer days.

专为年事较大的儿童以及混淆第一次换牙&永世的牙,和带有漏洞的牙。Designed for older children with a mixture of first & permanent teeth, and gaps.

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通常,局部麻醉应用于比较小的手术,比如换牙或者缝合伤口。Usually, local anesthesia is for minor procedures, like fixing a tooth or closing a wound.

专为年龄较大的儿童以及混合第一次换牙永久的牙,和带有缝隙的牙。Package DetailsDesigned for older children with a mixture of first permanent teeth, and gaps.

当然,在他们的孩提时代还会有很多值得记忆的“重大”事件,比如节假日,流鼻血,换牙,以及他们心仪的伙伴等等。Or any number of childhood momentous occasions – holidays, bloody noses, lost teeth, imaginary friends, the list goes on and on.

以面粉、食盐、酵母、脱脂奶粉、碳酸钙等为原料,经过和面、压片、成形、醒发、烘烤等工艺,加工成了一种适合婴幼儿长牙或换牙期间使用的健齿食品。A tooth care clava for baby teeth growing or changing were made using flour, salt, barm, defatted milk powder and CaCO3 as main raw material.

儿童处在换牙时期,如经常大量食用,对牙齿的生长不利,而且影响食欲。Children in the restoration period, such as regular consumption of a large number of teeth, on the negative growth, but also affects appetite.

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而一年级其他所有同学都已经在“换牙”的名单上签下了自己的名字,弗雷迪下决心要让自己的名字也出现在那个名单上。All of the other students in Mrs. Wushy´s first grade have signed their names on the Big Tooth, and Freddy´s determined to get his name on it, too.

回头看以前的摸样的确很好笑,那是我留着浓密长发,脸上有雀斑,还在换牙,这看起来的确不怎么好看。It's funny, looking back, how different we all were. I had the bushy hair, chipmunk face, and big teeth going on, which wasn't a great look for me.

利用公式可制订调换变换牙的时间表,从而能控制整个织造过程中泡、地经纱的送经比。According to this formula, the time of changing wheel is obtained, thus the ratio of warp velocity of base and crepe axis may be controlled during the whole weaving process.

邻居有一小男孩,刚刚开始换牙,看见大家干活这么起劲儿,也蹦蹦跳跳地去帮愚公移山了。There was a little neighbor boy who didn't even have his front teeth yet. When he saw what Yu Gong and his sons were doing, he went down with them to help move the mountain.

她处于换牙期,嘴里新牙未出,然而这却是我一生所见过的最灿烂最美丽的笑容。The little girl and her father had been standing at the doorway during all of this, and I saw the biggest, prettiest, toothless grin on that little girl that I have ever seen in my life.

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事实上,乳牙的换牙牵涉到硬组织的吸收,牙周组织内胶原纤维的去除,以及相当特殊化的多核破齿细胞来作为媒介。In fact, it concerns with hard tissues resorption, the removal of collagen from the periodontal ligament and mediated by highly specialized multinucleated cells referred to as odontoclasts.