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不要屏弃梦想,没有梦想就没有希望。To be without dreams is to be without hope.

永恒主阿,你为甚么屏弃了我?为甚么掩面不顾我?Why, O Lord , do you reject me and hide your face from me?

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屏弃那些浪费时间、能量或金钱的活动。Turn away from activities that waste time, energy, or money.

通过一次浪漫的最蹩脚之处就在于它会极不浪漫地将屏弃。The worst of having a romance is that it leaves one so unromantic.

要打败一个永不屏弃的人是不恐怕的!It is impossible to defein exclusive individual who never gives up!

屏弃误解、全面认识,无疑是准确诠释肖邦钢琴作品的前提。This is necessary for a thorough understanding of Chopin's piano works.

我就此屏弃了肤浅的表象而看到了美丽壮观的自然。I thus dispose of the superfluous and see things as they are, grand and beautiful.

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但这些并不意味着汽车行业该当再次屏弃电力驱动汽车。None of this necessarily means the auto industry should once after give up on electric-drive cars.

记住不要再养成收集杂物的习惯不要贪得无厌。享受屏弃杂物后的自由吧。Remember not to fall back on old acquisitive habits. Then enjoy your newfound freedom from clutter.

一旦屏弃采用六西格玛策略,我们更容易接受它。Once we eliminated the idea that we were converting to Six Sigma, there was much more acceptance of it.

那些被忽视、屏弃或批评的作品,就结合其创作动机和创作背景阐述其客观意义。The works neglected abandoned or criticed , I expound their inner sense in light of the motive and background of writing.

对于电磁辐射,应该客观的看到其利弊两面,利处予以善导、弊处予以屏弃。For electromagnetic radiation, we should consider objectively all the advantages and disadvantages, develop the good and discard the bad.

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“为外国人服务多于为国内服务”的所谓的开放政策应该屏弃。The so-called opening policy of the Empress Dowager, "give it to foreigners rather than domestic servants", should be resolutely discarded.

一对焦急的夫妇对大师抱怨,说他们的儿子屏弃了家庭的宗教传统,并宣称他自己是一个思想家。An anxious couple complained to the Master that their son had abandoned the religious traditions of the family and proclaimed himself a freethinker.

因为一但一个人开始精于键盘操作,纯使用键盘而屏弃滑鼠,速度将会更快并且错误更少。Some people prefer the mouse and some prefer the keyboard. I encourage you to use the keyboard as much as possible to experience the real power of Vim.

他还说道,英国政府已经屏弃公务员强制退休年龄,却对法律不进行修改以使所有雇员受益。The British government has just scrapped mandatory retirement ages for civil servants but has failed to change the law to benefit all employees, he said.

曹和帕罗特让我们屏弃对日常“花园”的成见,把我们带到可认知的超现实户外世界中。Cao-Perrot transport us from preconceptions of the everyday 'garden' to a surreal yet recognizable outdoor world where contemplation or dreaming is the point.

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对于医生或病人完全性的屏弃控制葡萄糖的策略来掌控尿病人心脏病发作的风险还为之尚早。"It would be premature for doctors or patients to completely discard glucose control as a strategy for managing heart attack risk in patients with diabetes, " he said.