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她刮掉了腿上的寒毛。She shaved the hairs off her legs.

他走到卧室门口,后脖上的寒毛已经全部竖起来了。He came to the bedroomdoor. By now the hairs onthe back of his neck were standing straight out.

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瘦死的骆驼比马大呢。凭他怎样,你老拔一根寒毛比我们的腰还壮哩!A starved camel is bigger than a horse. No matter how, a hair from your body is thicker than our waist.

殷听到后寒毛倒立,只顾埋头读经,鬼怪们商量了一会,决定先去抓别的灵魂。Yin's hair stood on end when he heard that. He buried his nose in the sutra. The demons went into a huddle.

我以前就说过,如果你在看到这一幕是没有寒毛直竖,你可能早已心死莫名了。I’ve said it before, but if you don’t get chills from watching this scene then there is a good chance you may be dead inside.

第二道闪电离得更近。我惊得寒毛倒竖,不由得从窗边后退了一步。The next bolt is even closer. It raises the hair on the back of my neck, and I take an involuntary step away from the window.

莫拓森走的很慢,经过小厨房,在过道旁第一间房门口停了下来,感觉后脖上的寒毛倒竖起来,那是浴室。Moore walked slowlypast the tiny kitchen and startedup the hallway. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck begin to bristle.

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用的是中国拳术与台拳道结合的一种拳术,他的敌人都要置他于死地却伤不了他一根寒毛—-于是他真的很难杀死啊。Using a combination of Chinese boxing and karate, his enemies can barely lay a finger on him – making him seriously difficult to kill.

接著,夜幕中一个女孩的身影出现在树林边,我们相距只有15英尺的距离,我觉得我脖子上的寒毛都竖起来了。Then out of the blue a figure of a girl stood on the edge of the woods.I felt the hair rise on the back of my neck, for we were only 15 feet away.

接着,夜幕中一个女孩的身影出现在树林边,我们相距只有15英尺的距离,我觉得我脖子上的寒毛都竖起来了。Then out of the blue a figure of a girl stood on the edge of the woods. I felt the hair rise on the back of my neck, for we were only 15 feet away.

段飞背脊的寒毛突然耸立起来,他有些不安,留宿豹房又怎么了?Segment ugg boots nice cilia that flies spine suddenly fortresses aloft, he is a morsel uncomfortable, reside overnight leopard establishing again how?

不要动,有时候你会有一种感觉,好像要堕进万丈深渊,但你其实根本没有动。你会不会突然觉得颈背寒毛直竖?Be real still, Sometime you feel inside like you're falling down real fast, but you're really just standing still. you ever feel the prickly things on the back of your neck?

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这让马龙顿时寒毛竖起,怒火中烧,措辞严厉的将莫莉批评了一顿,联想到苗青送给自己唯一的纪念变成如今模样,马龙心情激动得难以控制起来。This let Malone immediately raised up, angry, stern will criticized Molly, the only memorial become associated with MiaoQing give yourself now, Malone is a mood is excited to control.

三年后就要搬入新球场对于枪手来说无疑预示着令人激动地寒毛竖起的未来,但是温格必须小心谨慎地掌控好过渡时期的一切风险,话说回来,这星球上也没有人比教授更适合管理房奴球会的说。The move to a new stadium in the next three years certainly signals exciting times for the Gunners but Wenger must handle the transition delicately and there's no better manager for it.