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托钵人的荷包是无底洞。A beggar's purse is bottomless.

茱莉亚说完就跳进了那个无底洞。Julia said and she jumped down into the dark pit.

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一只德肯狐猴从一处锯齿状的石头无底洞窥视。Decken's sifaka peers out from a jagged stone maw.

国王把国外的使者一脚踢到无底洞里去。The king kicked the foreign herald into a bottomless pit.

这一下降是由于恒星的关键的无底洞。To this fallen star was given the key of the bottomless pit.

我真想找一个无底洞跳下去,永远出不来。I am really looking to jump off a bottomless pit, never getout.

法律是个无底洞,它贪得无厌、掠夺成性,吞食所有的东西。Law is a bottomless pit, it is a cormorant , a harpy, that devours everything.

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我已经说过了,但如果他们觉得花钱填无底洞无所谓,那就是他们的问题了。I did. But if they're happy enough to keep throwing money away, that's their problem.

在逃离“无底洞”黑洞团的过程中,又是基普·达伦本能地导航飞船奔向自由。In fleeing the Maw, it was again Kyp Durron who instinctively navigated his way to freedom.

她和她的丈夫现在只能依靠信用卡生活,贷款的钱慢慢变成一个无底洞。She and her husband are now living on credit cards watching debts mount as they stare into the abyss.

这意味着卫生保健远不只是一项繁重的政治责任,和公共资金的一个无底洞。That meant viewing health as far more than a burdensome political duty, a bottomless drain on public funds.

夜晚,他们宿于一寺庙,耗子精用妖风把唐僧擒到住处无底洞。AT night they stayed in a temple. The evil spirit took Tang Priest to her Bottomless Cave using an evil wind.

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夜晚,耗子精用妖风把唐僧擒到住处无底洞。At night they stayed in a temple. The evil spirit took Tang Priest to her Bottomless Cave using an evil wind.

还能正常运转的死星原始概念型号在无底洞设施出现,但很快被消灭。The original and functional concept model of the Death Star emerged from Maw Installation, but was quickly defeated.

佛洞,此处泛指古佛洞、无底洞、文殊洞、老虎洞等众多与佛或佛事有关的洞穴。Buddha Cave, here refers to Gufo hole, bottomless pit, Munsu-dong, Lao Hudong and many other Buddhist or Foshi and the caves.

来自农村,那个地方虽算不上扶贫县,是因为没有人愿意把钱放进无底洞。Comes from the countryside, although that place is not Fupin County, is because nobody is willing to admit the money the bottomless pit.

“我不会放弃的”,吕对上海日报记者说,“这是我必须走完的一个无底洞,我想和我的家庭走到底。”"I will never give up, " Lu told Shanghai Daily. "It is a foot bridge I have to walk above an abyss. I want to walk to the end with my family.

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所以,我们开始动用“无形”商品,如保险、大学学费、养老金上的资金,来填补已经变得必不可少的“有形”商品的无底洞。We find ourselves skimping on invisibles such as insurance college funds and retirement savings as the visible commodities somehow become indispensable.

虽然他们的飞船被拉进“无底洞”黑洞团,但基普设法把他们安全地导航进风暴之“眼”和一处极度机密的帝国设施。Although their ship was drawn into the Maw Cluster, Kyp somehow safely navigated them into the "eye" of the storm, and a top secret Imperial installation.

为了报仇和取得最终令人刮目相看的机会,达拉率领她的特遣队离开“无底洞”黑洞团,渴望向新共和国发动战争。Daala, seeking revenge and a chance to finally make an impression, emerged from the Maw Cluster with her task force, eager to wage war with the New Republic.