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工程兵开始行动,长官。SCV, good to go, sir.

我们有经过良好的专门训练的工程兵来对付它。We have special sappers well trained for that.

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极端与否,工程兵是不会放弃战斗。Extreme or not, the SCV isn't giving up the fight.

他是受过良好教育,成为一名工程兵。He was well educated, and became a military engineer.

美国和中国的工程兵安装下水道。American and Chinese engineers installed drainage culverts.

此外,还有火箭兵、工程兵、铁道兵、通信兵。Besides, there are rocket unit, engineer troops, railway unit and communication unit.

矿奴机采集矿物的速率比工程兵快很众,但议定一段时候之后就会破坏。Mules can gather minerals much faster than an SCV but break down after a period of time.

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美国陆军工程兵团仅在萨蒙河的支流——中福克河上就仔细评估了五个未来大坝位点。The Army Corps of Engineers evaluated five prospective dam sites on the Middle Fork alone.

在7月12日,美国陆军工程兵部队已将堤坝的控制权移交给了政府官员。The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers handed control of the levee over to city officials on July 12.

工程兵部队炸毁堤坝是为了让俄亥俄河中的水流入密西西比河。Engineers are blowing up that levee in order to let water from the Ohio River flow into the Mississippi.

两支中国部队—第10和第12独立战斗工程兵团—与美国工程兵共事。Two Chinese units joined the American engineers, the 10th and 12th Independent Combat Engineer Regiments.

1992年,中国政府派遣工程兵部队参加联合国驻柬埔寨临时权力机构的维持和平行动。In 1992, the Chinese government dispatched an engineer unit to support the UNTAC peace-keeping operations.

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政府通告声明今年超过300名学生将被选入这一新的工程兵项目。The government notice stated that over 300 students will be selected this year for the new engineering program.

在肯塔基州,陆军工程兵部队的头号大事就是修缮5736英尺长的沃尔夫河大坝了。Fixingthe 5736-ft.-long Wolf Creek Dam in Kentuckyis one of the highest priorities for the Army Corps of Engineers.

该项目还必须由美国联邦航空管理局和美国陆军工程兵部确保批准。The project must also secure approvals from the Federal Aviation Administration and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers.

该项目的内容包括派遣陆军工程兵到佛罗里达州南部兴建公路、运河和治水系统。As part of the plan, the Army Corps of Engineers built roads, canals and water-control systems throughout South Florida.

1969年6月,美国工程兵开始了一项浩大的工程,将流入美国侧尼亚加拉瀑布的尼亚加拉河水引走,让这条大瀑布在几个月内一直处于断流状态。In June 1969, U.S. engineers diverted the flow of the Niagara River away from the American side of the falls for several months.

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中国在促成支持这个方案的协议方面发挥了关键作用,并派遣了300名工程兵参加维和部队。China played a pivotal role in brokering the agreement in support of this plan and has committed 300 engineering troops to the force.

去年,美国陆军工程兵部队宣布了122处存在危险的堤岸,其中19处位于加利福尼亚的萨克拉门托河上。Lastyear, the Army Corps of Engineers declared 122 levees in the country "atrisk of failure." Of these, 19 were on California'sSacramento River.

中国已经做出承诺,向达尔富尔派遣315强工程兵部队。一个由140人组成的先头部队已经到达了达尔富尔地区,更多的部队将陆续到达。China has promised to send a 315-strong engineering unit to Darfur. A 140-member advance troop is already in Darfur, and more will be gradually deployed.