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或许我早已遗忘。And haply may forget.

只凭听,是很容易遗忘的。When I hear, I forget.

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从不曾有一刻的遗忘!She never sould forget!

记住还是遗忘?。To Remeber or to Forget ?

可是你不应将它遗忘。But you must not forget it.

她注定被人遗忘。She was doomed to oblivion.

但它没有被遗忘。Butit hasn’t been forgotten.

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我可能搭乘地下铁时,遗忘在那里。I may forget it in the Metro.

只想去遗忘一个人。Just want to forget a person.

渐渐遗忘该如何触碰心池。I forget how to tough my heart.

间隔时间学习法使你有时间遗忘知识。Spacing gives you time to forget.

也许我们遗忘了什么?Did we, perhaps, forget something?

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就像被遗忘,看啊!湖水。Looking like Lethe, see! the lake.

我把装底片的旅行袋遗忘在渡船上。I left my bag of film on the ferry.

这一哖、这一天,涐閁遗忘。That year, that day, We are forget.

他会遗忘了三分线吗?When he'signoring the 3-point line?

我们必须学习会原谅和遗忘。We must learn to forgive and forget.

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而他者只等待咸湿的遗忘。While salty oblivion awaited others.

遗忘之始,城市之基。Oblivion, the foundation of this city.

沙漏记得,峩们遗忘旳时光。The Sandglass remembers the time lost.