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我不知不觉掉进了梦网。I unawares fall in the dream net.

麻醉品成瘾是在不知不觉中的。Narcotics addiction is insidious.

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暮年不知不觉地来到。Old age creeps upon one unawares.

大部分动作都是不知不觉。Most gestures are used unknowing ly.

你必须捕捉它不知不觉地去知道它。You must catch it unawares to know it.

我听到这催人入睡的音乐,便不知不觉打起盹儿来了。I dozed off during the soporific music.

这样你就会在不知不觉中学得更快,And you'll pick things up so much quicker

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不知不觉,南希和我都已爱上了我们的小鸡。Nancy and I had grown to love our chicken.

阿巧在不知不觉间过去了三个月。Three months went by before Aiqao knew it.

阿巧不知不觉三个月就过去了。Three months went by before Aqiao knew it.

她已不知不觉地养成了喝酒的习惯。She has dropped into the habit of drinking.

不知不觉中他的头上已生出了白发。His hair had silvered before he realized it.

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她是一个花痴她将在不知不觉中偷走你的心了。She'll take your heart but you won't feel it.

他不知不觉产生无限忧郁的感觉。Feeling of infinitive melancholy stole over him.

逐渐地在不知不觉中就养成了一种习惯。It grows into a habit, unknown to its possessors.

春天不知不觉地走了,夏天到了。The spring walked insensibly, the summer arrived.

时间不知不觉我们后知后觉。Time unconsciously, we realise later after sleep.

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不知不觉间,秋深了,天高了,云淡了。Imperceptibly, deep autumn, sky high, thin clouds.

这棵长得细长的树在我们不知不觉中长粗了。The spindling tree grew bigger without our notice.

不知不觉地,永然与这个守护天使相恋了。Eventually, Ran has fallen into this guardian angel.