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她喜欢让仆人前呼后拥地侍候她。She enjoys staying with many servants.

她喜欢让仆人前呼后拥地侍候她。She enjoy that her servants be around her.

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她喜欢让仆人前呼后拥地侍候她。She likes to be served with servants surrounded.

离开前呼后拥的生活一年以后,我几乎要抓狂。After a year, I was going crazy with no people around me.

他走在大街上前呼后拥的。He walked in the street with escorts in front and behind.

我也辉煌过,在单位前呼后拥,呼风唤雨。I have also been brilliant in the flat g summon wind and rain.

这位大演员的周围经常有些前呼后拥的人。The great actor was surrounded by his usual crowd of hangers-on.

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国王起驾、车马仆人前呼后拥。The king fared forth, attended by all his servants and many carriages.

不管她走到哪里,随从和佣人都是前呼后拥的。Wherever she went she was attended on by a large number of followers and servants.

那位富有魅力的女演员逛街时总是被前呼后拥地围着。The glamorous actress always went shopping with many attendants crowding round her.

普京的拉达之旅实际上有至少一百辆外国制造的安保车辆、警车、一辆救护车前呼后拥——还有两辆拉达备用。Putin’s Lada was in fact escorted by at least a hundred foreign-made security vehicles and police cars, an ambulance—and two spare Ladas.

君不见,某某君从美国回来了,于是,从地方到中央前呼后拥一大批人接见啦、怎样啦滴。Have you not seen that so-and-so from the United States-back, then, from local to central authorities before meeting with a large number of people around you, what you drop.

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中国的一些官员出行喜欢有很多的随从跟随,前呼后拥,这是事实,但这恰好给了很多评论家机会把这些不受人们待见的官员与骆家辉来进行比较。It is true that some Chinese officials like to have many attendants crowding round them, which gives some commentators the chance to compare them unfavorably to people such as Locke.