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治病救人是我的工作。Saving people's lives is my job.

看来她具备治病救人的才能。She seems to have a vocation for healing.

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我知道你的一生都在治病救人。I know that you've spent years of your life healing people.

我是一名此时此刻只想治病救人的执业医师。I'm a practicing physician trying to help people here and now.

医生的职责是治病救人,任何人都不能被看作是无药可救而打发走。A doctor is there to treat and to cure, not to dismiss anyone as a hopeless case.

尽管他一直看着好朋友死去的女朋友在眼前四处乱晃,他还是一直治病救人。Despite seeing his best friend's dead lover everywhere, he kept treating patients.

当今的真正英雄是具有治病救人道德观的卫生工作人员。The true heroes these days are the health workers with their healing, caring ethic.

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你如果问医生,“你们怎么能在这里,一个治病救人的地方,出售这种食物?”And you ask the doctors, 'How can you have this food in here, in a place of healing?

鬼药子镇魔除邪,治病救人,可视为仙,视为神,视为鬼王也!He expels ghosts and pains, and is therefore regarded as an immortal, a deity, and the king of ghosts.

所以医学治病救人是有价值的,且价值是高的,而中医药也不例外。So, it spends a lot in "curing the sickness, saving the patient" with medicine, so does Traditional Chinese Medicine.

你们打着研究治病救人的方法之名,谋杀尚未出世的婴儿,又是教会指出了你们的谬论。You study the methods of salving patients who have the baby was born, murder, and pointed out the fallacy of the church you.

“歌者纵情歌唱、医者治病救人,而我们的职责就是报道真相,”她以行动践行信念。Journalists had a duty to report on the subject that mattered, she said, just as singers had to sing and doctors had to heal.

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不过,问题正在于红十字会并没有得到这些治病救人所需的资源和资金。But, that is the problem. The Red Cross is not being given the resources, the money it needs to carry out its life-saving mission.

孙思邈将所有精力都用于研究医学,治病救人,并且在行医过程中,逐步丰富医学和药物学的知识,很快就成了一位名医。Sun Simiao all energy used to study medicine, heal the sick, and in practice, a rich knowledge of medicine and Pharmacology, has quickly become a famous.

药品作为一种治病救人的特殊商品,关系到人民群众的健康保障和生命安全,维系着人的生存权、健康权和发展权。As a life-saving special commodity, medicine is related to the protection of people's health and safety, and it maintains the people's right to life, health and development.

他们继续阻止能够治病救人的普通医药发展,只为了保护已经带给他们巨额利润的投资。They continue to block generic forms of medicine that could save people’s lives or provide relief in order to protect investments that have already turned a substantial profit.

医疗行为从表面看似乎给人体造成一定伤害,但其主观目的在于治病救人,客观上有利于患者和社会,因此具有正当性。Medical treatment seem to injury human body, however, the subjective aim of medical treatment is to cure the disease to save patient, objectively in favor of both patient and society.

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但要掌握好处罚的力度,不要把人一棍子打死,不能逼走厨师,而是“惩前毖后,治病救人”,以处罚督促厨师组改变态度。But to have a good punishment, and not to people Killed by a stick, Pressing away can not cook, but "after careful pre-Correctional, saving lives" to punish groups urge cooks to change its attitude.