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明眼人都在看你们的笑话。The quality and intelligence, discerning look at all your jokes.

明眼人可从中记取宝贵的教训。A valuable lesson may be gleaned from it by those who have eyes to see.

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有一些句子总觉得译得不够贴切,请明眼人多指点。Some sentences yet feel not translated appropriately , thanks for your correction.

麻烦重重的,明眼人一看就知道那些都是冒充的。As for those Saints in troubles, everyone with common sense can tell those are shams.

木工答应了,可明眼人一眼就看得出来,此时他做事心不在焉,做出的活儿技艺粗糙,用的料也没那么讲究了。The carpenter said yes, but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work.

教授们都喜欢勤勉的学生,而我那时忘我学习的热忱,明眼人肯定看得出来。Professors like diligent students, and my eagerness to apply myself must have been obvious.

不可受贿赂,因为贿赂能使明眼人眼瞎,能颠倒正义者的言语。Neither shalt thou take bribes, which even blind the wise, and pervert the words of the just.

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明眼人一看贬值,此声明直指久游。A person with a discerning eye looks devalue, this statement points to continuously long swim.

有没有一些明眼人可能会看出的不明显的好处隐藏在事件当中?Is there some less-than-obvious benefit embedded in the event that a trained eye might discern?

沈心很少谈论家事,但明眼人都看得出她过得不如意。Shen heart rarely talk about the housework, but everybody could see that she had not equal to idea.

明眼人都可以看出来,皇马希望借卖掉卡洛斯,狠狠的在切尔西身上敲上一笔。The People says Real are ready to cash in on Roberto Carlos, with Chelsea favourites to land the galactico.

可我却被告知,在你们很多明眼人的眼中,艺术世界仅是一片黑暗,未被开垦,未被照亮。Yet I am told that, to many of you who have eyes to see, the world of art is a dark night, unexplored and unilluminated.

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鼓吹救市,明眼人都能看出来,就是想要把消费者套在价格高位。The promotion rescues the city, the discerning people can look that is the wish wraps the consumer in the price top digit.

我们这些明眼人所能说的一切绝不足以防止那些做背心、做鞋子的姑娘们去梦想那些金玉满堂的良人。All that we wise men can say will not prevent the waistcoat-makers and the shoe-stitchers from dreaming of husbands studded with diamonds.

其实明眼人都知道,把中国男足的烂帐全掼到谢亚龙一个人的头上确实不公平。Actually the discerning people knew that all hurls the Chinese men's football team's bad debts to a Xie Yalong person's head is truly unfair.

但是明眼人和身处印度的人都知道各种各样的中国货充斥着印度市场。But anybody with a discerning eye and staying in India knows that the Chinese products of all sizes and dimensions have flooded the markets in India.

另外就算章子怡不打算公告媒体她的捐款,然而捐款建儿童保护中心需要牵涉多少人,明眼人一想就知道。Besides, even though Zhang did not plan to invite the mass media to report the event, building a children protection center will involve a huge amount of people.

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太平洋战争爆发后,战争态势发生明显逆转,同盟国将取得最后胜利已被明眼人看得分外清楚。After the outbreak of the Pacific War, the war situation in the apparent reversal, the Allies would win the final victory has been seen exceptionally clear discerning eye.

明眼人都能看出,这是处于低谷的时代华纳公司试图保存其核心业务的一种手段,这也正是传媒界最可靠的营生方式之一。It is an attempt to preserve what is now plainly the core business of the slimmed -down Time Warner—and which also happens to be one of the most dependable rackets in media.

对明眼人而言,并非只有在大都会博物馆才能找到这把钥匙,在那些较小的博物馆中,甚至在小图书馆架上的书中,都有很多同样的钥匙等待着你们去发现。Seeing persons, however, do not need a Metropolitan to find this key to beauty. The same key lies waiting in smaller museums, and in books on the shelves of even small libraries.