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夫人快活地说。Lady cheerily said.

快活的人通常都是傻瓜。Am man is usually a fool.

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就像个快活的人一样?Looking like a happy man?

她快活地向他微笑。She smiled sunnily at him.

多少个快活日子,约翰。And mony a canty day, john.

我敢说我会快活得像活神仙。I bet I'll have a gay time.

今天你好像很快活似的!You seem very chirpy today!

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我就快活地吹了起来。So I piped with merry cheer.

鸟儿在快活地歌唱。Birds were a singing merrily.

今晚多快活!嘿!A sleighing song tonight! Hey!

菲利浦先生是个生性快活的人。Mr. Phillips was a cheery man.

好快活的人生的活剧!What a hilarious living drama!

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为什么“U”是最快活的字母?Why is 'U' the jolliest letter?

这些地方总让我快活起来。These places always cheer me up.

像快活的半正矢般在蹦蹦跳。Cuts capers like a happy haversine.

快活林是属于我的地方。The happy forest is where I belong.

一般来说,我是一个快活的人。Are you in generally a happy person?

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王子幸福快活地跳着舞。Gaily and happily the prince danced.

在快活林,我可以免费我的脑海。In the happy forest I can free my mind.

这是我,快活和可爱的女孩!This is me, a vivacity and lovely girl!