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白羽以为他这样想过于自私。BaiYu thought he think so too selfish.

小雏菊,那缀着白羽的金盾。The daisy, that white-feathered shield of gold.

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白羽想要出国,这对她来说是很好的选择!Alice want to go abroad, it's a very good way for her!

血红的晚霞中,白羽载着关心的遗体含泪返航。Red the rosy sunset, BaiYu carrying concern remains a tearful return.

飞行时腰部可见毛茸茸的白羽。Soft, furry , white feathers are visible around its belly when it flies.

关心辞别沃威、姜窦和白羽,一人去探望梅映佳。Taking care WoWei, ginger sinus and BaiYu, a people to visit MeiYingJia.

二人在操场上见到了姜窦、汤名扬、白羽和关心。Two people in the playground met ginger sinus, ShangMingYang, BaiYu and care.

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姜窦的飞行机时大局部被齐欣分给了白羽,他堕入深深的懊恼中。Ginger sinus flying unit was JiXin among the big local BaiYu, he's in deep chagrin.

沐小小看着白羽真诚的表情,微笑着点头。Bathe small despise white feather of the facial expression of honesty, laugh to nod.

汤名扬、白羽和关心被分在了翼虎团,三人甚为自得。ShangMingYang, BaiYu and care were placed in the wing group, three is tiger complacency.

它们同样也是除白羽鹬之外最大的鹬类,它们有更强的体力。They are also the largest shanks apart from the Willet , which is altogether more robustly built.

姜窦、白羽和关心终于有时机施行他们筹划已久的方案。Ginger sinus, BaiYu and concern and finally have a time they planning already a long time of plan.

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姜窦、汤名扬、白羽和关心等战友高喊着鼓励的话语。Ginger sinus, ShangMingYang, BaiYu and concern and fellow soldiers shouted words of encouragement.

心情好转的沃威向白羽道出了毕业检飞时为什么会带头钻桥洞的事。The mood of better to BaiYu WoWei says the graduation why take the lead when fly for drilling of little.

同时,表达出本人与白羽的差距,以为本人配不上她,这深深地刺痛了白羽。At the same time, express oneself and the gap, thought I BaiYu don't deserve her, which deeply hurt BaiYu.

对朝鲜鹌鹑龙城系、黄城系和中国隐性白羽鹌鹑早期生产性能进行了研究。Early production performance of the Korea quail and the Chinese recessive white feather quail was studied.

蓬莱地区的主要葡萄品种有玫瑰香、白羽、贵人香、蛇龙珠、梅鹿辄、佳里酿、北醇等。The main grapes in Penglai area are Rose Flavor, white Feather, Elegant Lady Flavor, Snake-dragon pearl etc.

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途径漾泉幽境时,白羽跟了上来,自动提出为她护法。The path Yang spring You territory, pearly plume heel come up, automatically put amenable apt defend a usage for her.

姜窦、汤名扬、白羽和关心来到了传说中的翼虎团,冲动之情溢于言表。Ginger sinus, ShangMingYang, BaiYu and concern came to the legend of the wing, the feeling of impulse tiger group shows.

五人乐队只差沃威,姜窦、汤名扬、白羽和关心堕入了对沃威的怀念中。Five people WoWei, ginger, a difference of the band ShangMingYang sinus, BaiYu and care about the falling, to WoWei missing.