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但他知道在歌唱时不再开唱。But that he knows in singing not to sing.

韩国团体和韩星频频来新开唱和会见粉丝,你们欢迎他们吗?Do you welcome the Korean stars and bands in town?

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斯普雷斯汀,博诺和碧昂丝在林肯纪念堂开唱。Springsteen, Bono and Beyoncé performing at the Lincoln Memorial.

演唱会将于9月16号到达多伦多,同时亦会在温哥华开唱。The tour will come to Toronto on Sept. 16th and will also hit Vancouver.

相信我这些说法是不实的,我绝对拒绝在我的演唱会对嘴开唱。Believe me it is torture. I always refuse to work out once my concert is over.

大卫已经飞往华盛顿,即将在棒球比赛开唱助唱国歌!David's already flying to Washington DC, where he'd be singing the National Anthem for a baseball game.

周日在马来西亚首都吉隆坡的演出是她海外巡演的最后一站,然后她将前往哈尔滨和成都开唱。Kuala Lumpur, this Sunday, marks the final international stop before she moves on to Harbin and Chengdu.

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此次亚洲演出,他首站先到上海世博开幕典礼开唱。In his Asian tour this time, his first stop will be singing at the opening ceremony of the Shanghai World Expo.

现实这样东西是没有系统的,像七八个话匣子同时开唱,各唱各的,打成一片混沌。This thing we call reality is without structure, a confusion of gramophones playing in chaotic cacophony, each singing its own song.

始终坚持“安全”理念的苏州金龙,在2010年春运大戏尚未开唱之时就已经上演了一幕保春运的安全大戏。Always insisting on "security" concept, Suzhou Jinlong has begun with the extensive security guarantee before transport of 2010 Spring Festival.

当她出现在舞台上的时,她突然要求给与更多费用更糟的是,当她的要求被满足后,她没有立刻开唱。The moment she was to appear on the stage, she suddenly asked for more reward. Worse still, after her request was satisfied, she didn't begin to sing at once.

我学会了好几首中文歌曲呢,好多次我一开唱就有很多中国人过来听,唱完了就拍手让我再唱一首!I can sing some Chinese songs. Many Chinese will come and listen to me when I sing Chinese songs in KTV, and they will applaud and encourage me to sing another.

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“把我带去棒球比赛”的第七局将于星期二晚上在箭牌球场举行,莱索达也计划在比赛前上演他的第六次开唱。LASORDA WAS also scheduled to sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" during the seventh inning stretch in Wrigley Field Tuesday night for the sixth time in his life.

日前,麦当娜的"火辣与甜蜜"世界巡回演唱会在英国开唱。Madonna's world tour concert "Sticky & Sweet", totaling 45 concerts across Europe and America, has been accused of causing extreme carbon pollution after kicking off Saturday in the UK.

周五晚,新蓝色男孩乐队,在达文波特剧院的地下一层开唱,这个小剧院此前是一个壁球场,我们演唱会听得很开心,结束后,我说“一起去星巴克河北咖啡吧“And so The New Blue concert takes place in the Pierson-Davenport Theater in the basement there what used to be a squash court is now a little theater and we enjoy ourselves at the concert " and then I say, "Let's go to Starbuck's and get a coffee."