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在TSR上你对我来说只是一个过客。You're just a random person on TSR to me.

或许那些人只是我生命中的过客。May those who just a sojourner in my life.

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我不想作为匆匆过客了此一生。I don't want to end up simply visited this word.

生命中遇到的大多数人都不过是过客而已,来了又去……Many people will walk in and out of your life...

目前,我又是文明生活中的过客了。At present I am a sojourner in civilized life again.

此时此刻,重新融入文明生活,我仍像匆匆过客,一如往昔。At the present I am sojourner in civilized life again.

人生就是一场孤单旅行,而生命中会有很多过客,陪伴你或长或短。Life is a solo trip, but you’ll have lots of visitors.

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无名的过客在往昔作了瞬间的踌躇。A nameless passerby made a snappy shilly-shally of yore.

谁言异类无情义,只为过客不留香。Who said no, not only for the traveler friendship sweet.

我只是个过客,你等待的归人他在哪?I'm just passing through, you wait for the return man is he?

原来我在你心中只是一个可有可无的过客罢了。Originally I in your heart just a dispensable traveler just.

也许萍水相逢,或许红尘过客。Maybe we meet by chance or passing traveller of human society.

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陌生的过客哟!你不懂得我是怎样热切地凝望你。Passing stranger! you do not know how longingly I look upon you.

你们忘记了你们只是这里的一个过客,就像我们一样。You have forgotten that you are only a guest here, just like us.

我一直不愿意承认你是我生命中的过客。I am reluctant to admit that you are just a passer-by in my life.

我只是一个陪你疯了一场,短暂狂欢的过客。I'm just a accompany you crazy a field, short of revels traveler.

我是你生命中的过客,而你是我这辈子永恒的定格。I am a sojourner in your life, and you are my life eternal frames.

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在她看来,故事中的每一个个体都是被卷入历史的年轻过客。To her, those individuals were just young people caught up in history.

我们和我们拥有的一切实际上非常脆弱,都只是地球的暂时过客。We and our works are indeed fragile and temporary riders on the Earth.

劫掠的混混们从落单的过客身上勒索水,食物和衣服。Marauding punks prey on solitarytravelers for water, food and clothing.