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你是可爱的累犯我从来没有看到的。You're the cutest jailbird I ever did see.

第五章是关于累犯制度的比较。The fifth part is the comparison about recidivism system.

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本文是从理论上对单位累犯所作的研究。This dissertation is the research of unit recidivist on theory.

刑法典第三百五十六条实质上是关于特别累犯的规定。Essentially, Article 356 Of Penal Code stipulates special recidivist.

第七十四条对于累犯,不适用缓刑。Article 74 Suspension of sentence shall not be applied to recidivists.

累犯制度是一种古老而又仍具时代性的制度。Recidivist's system is that one kind is old and still has era systems.

监狱看守员认为得隔离初犯与累犯者。The warden believes in segregation of first offenders from hardened criminals.

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附属的骨骼肌被浸润性癌累犯,直接扩散。The attached skeletal muscle is involved by invasive carcinoma by direct extension.

这样一来,我们便会让预防初犯屈从于预防累犯。We should thus subordinate the prevention of first offences to the prevention of recidivism.

新中国成立后的第一部刑法典对累犯制度进行了规定,但不完善。The first criminal law of new China had stipulated the recidivism system, but it is imperfect.

在实施主体上,它即包括了累犯,也包括了累犯之外的再犯。In the main body of relapsing into crime, it includes recidivists and criminals with second crime.

累犯是一种特殊的犯罪人类型,是法定的从重处罚情节。As a special type of criminals, recidivists belong to the legal circumstance of heavier punishment.

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加重处罚累犯,在很多国家的刑法典中都有明确规定。Punish recidivists with increased sentences is explicitly promulgated in many countries' penal codes.

有人认为现行立法已经规定了单位累犯制度。Some people think that the system of units recidivism has been affirmed on by the existing legislation.

任何似乎是作弊的事情,或你打算停一天,吃点“正常”的东西,都是累犯的秘诀。Anything that seemslike a trick or that you plan to quit one day to eat “normal” is arecipefor recidivism.

通过这个计划,累犯率下降了26个百分点——这可是一个可喜的信号。The recidivism rates among those that have gone through the program have dropped 26 percent—a hopeful sign.

通过对累犯“三振出局”制度的理性分析,其存在的正当性根据值得推敲。With the reasonable analysis of the "three strike-outs" system for the recidivist, the present writer thinks t.

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因而单位即使再次犯罪,也不能对之以累犯从重惩处,这无疑难以遏制单位再次犯罪。Even unit can re-offend and therefore can not be punished which is undoubtedly difficult to deter further unit crimes.

这位官员说,有一些根据美国法律受到制裁的中国实体是累犯,即连续扩散者。The official said some of the Chinese entities sanctioned under U.S. law are repeat offenders -- serial proliferators.

关于犯罪客观方面的比较,主要是关于累犯、自首、逃脱及地域因素。Comparison of the objective aspect of crime, mainly related to recidivism, surrender, escape, and geographical factors.