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扬琴对我来说是生命中不可缺少的一部分。The dulcimer to me is in the life an essential part.

我发现扬琴与我的个性极其相似,都有着平淡的优秀。I found the harp and very similar to my personality, good has a flat.

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解决好这些新问题,可以大大提高扬琴学习的效率。Had solved these problems, can improve the efficiency of dulcimer study greatly.

最令我骄傲的是,我有一双成为未来扬琴家的手。Most makes me arrogantly is, I will have one pair to become the future dulcimer hand.

本文对建国五十年来中国扬琴艺术的发展进行了综合梳理。This article synthetically sorts out the 50 years' development of Yangqin art of China.

伴奏乐器中,主奏乐器为坠琴,另有二胡、扬琴、琵琶等乐器。The instruments are mainly zhuiqin, two-string Chinese violin, dulcimer, lute and others.

本实用新型属于管弦乐器技术领域,公开了一种扬琴。The utility model belongs to the technical field of orchestra instruments and discloses a cymbalo.

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如今,扬琴已成为我们民族音乐中不可缺少的、甚至不可替代的重要组成部分了。Today, dulcimer folk music has become an indispensable, irreplaceable and even an important part of the.

这次,妈妈把我送到一个扬琴老师家,让我学习这种普通而又音色很好听的乐器。This time, my mother took me to a dulcimer teacher home, let me learn this common and tone is a nice instrument.

随着时间的推移,我对弹扬琴的感觉,就像五松先生一样付之东流,流入了哪一望无垠的大海。Over time, I feel Yangqin shells, just five have been in vain, like Mr. Song, which entered the oasis in the sea.

通过典型作品分析,总结这类作品在丰富扬琴艺术表现力方面的共性特征。By analyzing some typical opuses, to summarize the common characteristic in enriching the Dulcimer art expression.

扬琴演奏的表演形式与思想内涵中,情感表达是很重要因素。In the performance form and idea expression of cembalo performance, sentimental expression is of great importance.

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扬琴教学发展正处于一个全面蓬勃发展的时期中,但面对的问题还是不少的。Yangqin teaching development is in a period of vigorous development of a comprehensive, but still face many problems.

中国扬琴艺术的传统审美特征,是中国扬琴艺术体系中的一个重要组成部分。Traditional aesthetic characteristic of Chinese Yanqin is an important part of the artistic system of Chinese Yangqin.

1997年毕业,同年进入上海民族乐团任扬琴演奏员,同时随古琴名家龚一习琴。In 1997, she entered into Shanghai National Music G roup as Yang—Qin player-At same time. she studied Gu—Qin from Qin master Gong Yl.

扬琴演奏作为器乐表演艺术形式的一种,不仅要有高超的技术技巧,同时深厚的艺术修养也是必不可少的。As one of the instrumental performing forms, the dulcimer performance needs not only the excellent skills, but also deep artistic culture.

扬琴是一件外来乐器,自它出现之日起,几代人为之进行的改革就从未止步。Dulcimer is an instrument which didn't originate in China. So many people have been working hard through decades to make a much better one.

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凯尔特文艺复兴时期的音乐有著鞠躬鼓瑟,班河民艺和苹果芒廷扬琴,锤扬琴和弹拨鼓瑟。" Renaissance of Celtic music and "folk" arts bowed zither, class and " Apple " River Mountain Dulcimer, Hammer Dulcimer and plucked zither.

从扬琴传入中国开始,其审美特征就随着中国传统文化对其的涵化而逐渐形成。With the beginning of Yangqin entering China , its aesthetic characteristics had taken shape gradually with affected by Chinese traditional culture.

齐特族乐器品种不一,包括如风鸣琴、自动竖琴、小提琴、扬琴、日本古琴,以及击弦键琴、大键琴和钢琴。The larger zither family includes such instruments as the Aeolian harp, autoharp, cimbalom, dulcimer, koto, and even the clavichord, harpsichord, and piano.