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他篡改了文件。He tampered the document.

他们明目张胆地篡改马克思主义。They openly revised Marxism.

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倭国,停止篡改二战历史!Japan, stop altering WWII history!

这篇文章已被篡改过了。The article has been interpolated.

但是这是多么无耻的对历史的篡改!But what a shameless rewriting of history!

那个职员篡改了他户头上的数字。The clerk juggled the figures in his account.

加密或防篡改保存游戏数据。Encrypt or tamper-proof saved data for a game.

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以证明它在一个未被篡改环境中运行的能力。To prove it in a not tampered environments ability.

随意篡改各地区、各时代的气候冷暖。It distorts the climate of the earth in the past era.

有人篡改了公司的账目。Someone has tampered with the accounts of the company.

封面是有担保与反篡改的安全螺丝。The cover is secured with anti-tamper security screws.

莉莉由于篡改账目被银行开除了。Lily was dismissed from the bank for cooking the books.

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以及路加福音并且篡改了它们。And they got hold of the Gospel of Luke,and they adulterated it.

他们总是误引并篡改我的话,但是我的歌词就不会被这般对待了。They can always misquote and change my words, but not my lyrics.

这主要是由于其原料和能源缺乏宋篡改。This is mostly due to its raw energy and lack of song doctoring.

这样做是为篡改证据和防伪功能。This is done for tamper evidence and anti-counterfeiting feature.

密封还提供了防止代码篡改的手段。Sealing also provides a security measure to detect code tampering.

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好好的两句诗,被他连抄袭带篡改的。They'd be two wonderful verses but for his plagiary and alteration.

政府总是将来也总会篡改数字和避重就轻。Governmentsalways have and always will fudge figures and cook books.

而且,还提供了一些步骤,防止内容遭到恶意破坏或篡改。Steps are also to be taken to avoid hacking or vandalism of content.