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支付奖励的倒行逆施,我们在这个国家需要把他们的头。The perverse pay incentives we have in this country need to be turned on their head.

这些人的倒行逆施已经引起了中国民众的强烈愤慨。These regressive behaviors have already triggered strong indignation of the Chinese people.

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正因为他们只想到张三,他们为此所鼓吹的便成了倒行逆施的荒谬政策。And because they think only of Joe Smith, they end by advocating reactionary and nonsensical policies.

而对于某些人来说,无线输电看起来是明显的肆意挥霍和倒行逆施。To some people, wireless power transmission will seem like a distinctly profligate and retrograde step.

然而此种洞察力并没有既在卡佳美先生也没有在泽纳维先生的倒行逆施上产生持久的压制作用。Yet that insight has not yielded sustained pressure on either Mr. Kagame or Mr. Zenawi to reverse course.

倒行逆施地,邦德更倾向于舆那些有武器的女性发生性关系。Perversely, Bond was more likely to have sexual contact with a woman if she used a weapon than if she did not.

这跟卡扎菲政府有天渊之别,卡扎菲政府对利比亚人民的倒行逆施已剥夺了其自身的合法性。This is in stark contrast to Gaddafi, whose brutality against the Libyan people has stripped him of all legitimacy.

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日军的暴行有力地回击了一小撮日本右翼分子歪曲、篡改和否认日本侵华史的倒行逆施。The outrages hit back hard the Japanese right- wingers who distort and deny the history of the Japanese invasion to China.

本周,中国的议会——国务院声明它将派出巡视员到16个省市去控制倒行逆施。This week the State Council, China's cabinet, said it would send inspectors to 16 cities and provinces to curb backsliding.

晁盖不满梁中书倒行逆施,计划谋事,并想拉杨志入伙。A surname builds push a reactionary policy of malcontent Liang Zhongshu, plan plan matters, want to pull Yang Zhi join the gang.

模仿西方似乎比倒行逆施显得更加明智,尤其是对于在30年代披着范亚洲化羊皮的日本狼。Imitation of the West seemed wiser than atavism, not least among Japanese, who in the 1930s dressed pan-Asianism in wolf's clothing.

模仿西方似乎比倒行逆施显得更加明智,尤其是对于在30年代披着范亚洲化羊皮的日本狼。Imitation of the West seemed wiser than atavism, not least among Japanese, who in the 1930s dressed pan-Asianism in wolf’s clothing.

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追根究柢,银行和金融体系就是要支持经济和生活在其中的人们,反过来要人们支撑银行及金融体系,岂非倒行逆施?In the end the banking and financial system is there to support the economy and the people who live in it, not the other way around.

秦皇朝倒行逆施的行为,极大地摧残了工商业的正常发展,加之其它因素,终使其走向灭亡。The Qin dynasty was doomed to perish because that the perverse acts had great damage to normal development of industry and commerce.

美国在这场遥远的战争中所遭受的耻辱被看成是美国在领导战后世界中倒行逆施而应得的一场公正的教训。America's humiliation in that distant enterprise was seen as an object lesson in the immorality of America's postwar world leadership.

浩勤建议达富进行一项投资,但是达富却认为是欢喜所设的圈套,便将浩勤的建议倒行逆施,更暗中派人向警方告密。HaoQin Suggestions for rich with an investment, but think of the rich is the trap delight, will HaoQin suggestion atavism, secretly sent to the police informers.

如此倒行逆施的后果是什么?真是罄竹难书!尽管如此,我们还是应当满中于指出最触目惊心的部分。What are the consequences of such a perversion? It would require volumes to describe them all. Thus we must content ourselves with pointing out the most striking.

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朝鲜有时也被称之为神秘之国,在1994年始,残酷不仁,倒行逆施的金正日,在结果他父亲统治了46年的权杖之后,就一直统治着朝鲜。Sometimes called the Hermit Kingdom, North Korea has been ruled since 1994 by the ruthless and retrograde Kim Jong Il, who took over after his father's 46 years at the helm.

清政府的倒行逆施最终导致了留日立宪派的分化,不少人投身革命阵营,客观上加速了辛亥革命的成功。They even organized several massive parliamentary petitions. The perverse acts of the Qing Government resulted in the divergence of the Constitutional Group. Many students joined in revolutions.