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指未被压实到规定密实度和一定的强度形成稳定填方的材料。Fill material refers to the material which is under the standard density and intensity.

加筋土广泛地应用于地基加固,填方工程,挖方削坡工程等。In soft foundation strength, filling soil, excavating project it becomes more and more widely used.

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本文以某大型填方土基工程为例,介绍了冲击压实技术在填方土基中的应用。With the example of a large filled silt project, this paper discusses techniques of impacting compaction.

通过水塘、鱼塘、水库、稻田的填方路段,边坡一定高度范围内采用浆砌片石防护。Mortar masonry protection would be used when filled embankment past through ponds, reservoirs, paddy fields.

挖方和填方的最小运输问题求解其实是一个土方平衡调配问题。Solving the smallest transportation question of excavation and fill actually is a question of earthwork balance adjustment.

填方区锚杆挡墙与一般的挖方区挡墙不同,在实际工程设计与施工时不能将两种挡墙一概而论。The anchor rod retaining wall in filling area is different from the other anchor rod retaining walls using top-down method.

结合工程实践,介绍高填方路基边坡中填方路段派水设计、边坡防护设计的常用方法。Based on the practice, it introduces the methods of design of side slope protection alongside the high fill subgrade construction.

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所需的开挖和填方依照规范中第4章“土方工程”的规定实施。The necessary excavations and fillings will be performed according to stipulated in the Chapter the 4 EARTHWORKS of these specifications.

作者查阅了国内外大量填方土体的工程性状研究文献,在前人基础上,总结分析了压实土的强度机理。Author go over the number of papers about engineering behavior of embankment fill, summarize and analysis the mechanism of compacted soil.

这些数值的选用,有助于一般干筑填方压实粘性土料质量控制的确定。To use these values, it is helpful to determine the control densities of the compacted cohesive earth materials in the rolled fill earth dams.

路基填方采用自卸汽车拉运,推土机、平地机摊平,压路机碾压密实。The roadbed fills uses the dump truck to transport by cart, the bulldozer, the road roller booth is even, the bulldozer roller compaction is dense.

所有用作路基填方的材料应按本规范第204.03节的规定进行试验,经监理工程师批准后方可采用。All fill material for subgrade construction shall be tested complying with the regulations of 204.03, and utilized with the approval of the Engineer.

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采用条带极限平衡理论,对路堤填方粘性土土压力计算方法进行了探讨。The overall test were made there by means of various methods, such as using the soil pressure cell, pressure gauge and steel bar stress detector, etc.

高填方工程最明显的特点是填方高度大,填料自重应力引起的填筑体的自身压缩沉降及地基沉降较大。Outstanding characteristics of high fill projects are there are great fill height and large foundation deformation and self-deformation under fill load.

文中介绍了近几年在冰冻地区所修筑的高等级公路在零填方与挖方路段路面强度衰减出现破损问题,提出了路面强度衰减系数。And introduced damaged problem because of decline of pavement strength for expressway in frost area, and put forward decline coefficient of pavement strength.

在软土地基上,公路路基的加宽工程除了要重点解决好填方路段新路基下软基处理方案,还要处理好新老路基之间的衔接即新老路堤的不均匀沉降问题。For a soft ground subgrade, the widening engineering of highway focuses not only on the soft ground fills in new section, but on the joint of new and old subgrade.

通过对北张沟加筋高填方路堤进行稳定性评价,表明该方法能更全面考虑填方加筋路堤边坡稳定性的影响因素,评价结果合理。The result is reasonable, and it also shows that the effecting factors of the stability of high-reinforced embankment can be described more prehensively by the method.

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桥台-指支撑桥跨端部并为承载紧邻桥梁的道路的填方材料提供横向支撑的结构物。Abutment-a structure that supports the end of a bridge span and provides lateral support for fill material on which the roadway rests immediately adjacent to the bridge.

由于深挖高填造成填方高度过大,高填方路基沉降逐渐成为山区修建高等级公路迫切需要解决的问题。As deep digging and high filling, settlement calculation of high subgrade has been gradually becoming a key problem in the building of high class highway in mountain areas.

介绍了疏浚底泥资源化利用的途径,对其土地利用、作建筑材料和填方材料及污水处理材料等资源化利用进行了可行性分析。Some approaches to utilize dredged sediment as resource, such as land utilization, producting construction material and fill material and wastewater treatment material, were analysed.