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游戏包括16个恒星系,你可以驾驶4种不同的飞船。There are 16 star systems, and you get to fly 4 ships.

在空间站中或者团队中的时候恒星系星图调用将不再会失败。System map no longer fails to load while docked and in a gang.

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借助太空望远镜可以观察到许多离我们很远的恒星系。Many faraway stellar systems can be observed through a space telescope.

但我们也不用因此就放弃探索这个行星和其恒星系的计划。But we shouldn't scrap plans to explore the planet and its solar system just yet.

天文学家们同时还在对数量庞大的其他恒星系中可能的类似地球环境的星体进行筛选。Astronomers are also closing in on a possibly huge number of Earth-like worlds around other stars.

想像一下,昴宿星团是一个存在于千世万代以前的恒星系。Well, just imagine, the Pleiades is a star system from a time and space quadrant that existed many of eons of time ago.

银河参议院正处于乱世之秋,数以千计的恒星系已声明意图脱离共和国。There is unrest in the Galactic Senate. Several thousand solar systems have declared their intentions to leave the Republic.

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堪科瑞55号是距离我们的太阳系最近的恒星系中的一个,和我们的太阳有几乎相同的质量,相同的温度和年龄。This is one of the nearest stars to our sun. It has nearly the same mass as our sun, the same temperature as our sun and the same age.

即使宇宙中还有很多别的恒星系,能够恰好处在足以支持生命的轨道的行星估计也寥寥无几。Even if many other stars have solar systems too, planets that happen to orbit in just the right place to support life could be pretty rare.

游戏包含数百个恒星系,每个恒星系里都有一到十颗可供玩家着陆的行星。The game features several hundreds of solar systems with anything from one to ten individual planets per system, on which the player may land.

另外一些人计算NASA将于2014发射的詹姆斯韦伯太空望远镜可以对最近的恒星系完成同样的壮举。Others have calculated that NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, to launch in 2014, could pull off the same feat for the very closest solar systems.

在扫描过程中,你的飞船不用再四处奔波放探针了,取而代之的方式是可以在恒星系图上移动探针,使其跃迁到想要的位置上。Probes no longer have a set scanning range. Their scanning range can be adjusted on the fly, reducing the amount of probe types you need to carry.

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不过当786个恒星系分配这30张背景时,你会发现即使在极北的特纳星域或极南的混浊星域,都可能是同一张图。But dividing these 30 between the 786 constellations in known space, you may have the same background shown to you up north in Tenal and deep south in Stain.

理论上,太阳系中的八大行星都有大致呈圆形的轨道。而且行星盘形成模型表明,大多数恒星系也应该与之相同。The eight planets of our solar system all have roughly circular orbits, and models of planet-forming disks suggest most other star systems should be the same.

即使在今天,许多在别的方面受过教育的人,像只能数到三而把三以上的数字都统称为四的野人,他们无法明白太阳系和恒星系的巨大不同。Even today, many otherwise educated men-like those savages who can count to three but lump together all numbers beyond four-cannot grasp the profound distinction between solar and stellar space.

随着仪器精度的提高,我们应该可以从这颗行星那里了解到有关其大气和成分的宝贵信息,以此类推,还可以了解到其他恒星系的特性。As the precision of our instruments improve, we should be able to learn some incredible information about the planet's atmosphere and composition, and, by extension, the nature of other solar systems.