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前列腺腺细胞及其核的形态多样。The shape of prostate cells is variable, so is nuclears.

ER阳性细胞为胸腺上皮细胞和胸腺细胞。ER positive cells were thymic epithelial cells and thymocytes.

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取胸腺细胞,通过流式细胞仪计数,检测胸腺细胞凋亡率。Apoptosis of thymocytes of these mice was assayed by flow cytometry.

这表明在正常胸腺中,一些早期胸腺细胞成为了髓细胞。This showed that ETPs give rise to myeloid cells in the normal thymus.

白细胞介素1活性采用小鼠胸腺细胞增殖法测定。Interleukin1 activity was measured by mouse thymocyte proliferation assay.

腺细胞间存在明显的细胞间分泌小管。Between the acinar cells, there are many intercellular secretory capillaries.

腺细胞上方的表皮显然是由间细胞分泌形成的。The cuticle above the gland cell is obviously produced by the intermediate cell.

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目的探讨外源核苷酸对小鼠胸腺细胞凋亡的影响。Objective To study the effects of nucleotides on apoptosis of thymocytes in mice.

浆液腺表达高于粘液腺细胞的表达。Contrarily, the expression of serous gland cells is higher than mucous gland cells.

胰脏腺细胞呈非特异性酯酶和弱的蛋白酶和脂酶活性。The pancreas cells show activity of non specific esterase, weak proteinase and lipase.

不同家蚕品种,从五龄第1天到第4天,后部丝腺细胞的蛋白质组成的变化规律各不相同。The change patterns of protein composition from D1 to D4 were diverse in various breeds.

黄脸油葫芦雌体受精囊主要由腺细胞和肌肉构成。The spermatheca of female Telegryllus emma is mainly composed of gland cells and muscle.

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目的探讨由藻酸盐诱发的免疫反应对腮腺腺细胞的作用。Objective To explore the effect of immune reaction by alginate on parotid acinar cell in vitro.

PSA值是衡量前列腺癌的理想标尺,因为通常它只会局限在前列腺细胞内。PSA is an ideal marker for prostate cancer because it is basically restricted to prostate cells.

麝鼠香囊腺由腺细胞、支持细胞和排香管组成。The cystgland of muskrat fragrant is composed of gland cell, supporting cell and excretory duct.

对照组中,脾细胞中的葡萄糖转化和胰岛素反应弱于胸腺细胞。Control glucose internalization and insulin responses were lower in splenocytes than in thymocytes.

应用透射电镜观察了鸭胸腺细胞自然凋亡的超微结构变化。The apoptosis of thymocytes in the duck thymus was observed under transmission electron microscope.

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本文报道了一种从人胎儿脾脏和胸腺细胞制备LAK细胞的方法。We have described a method for the preparation of LAK cells from spleen and thymus of human embryo.

目的探讨迷走神经在胸腺细胞输出过程中的作用。Objective To investigate the mechanism of vagus in regulating the migration of thymocytes in rat thymus.

同时,在果蝇唾腺细胞核仁及核基质中,也存在着这两种蛋白质。Meanwhile, we found actin and tropomyosin also exist in nucleoli and nuclear matrix of the salivary gland.