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压缩页眉。Compressed headers.

一般的文本压缩器。General text compressors.

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压缩系数。Z Compressibility factor, z.

无法解压缩更新软件包。Unable to unpack update package.

第一步保持压强为p1,体积从V1压缩到。V2 This one is also pretty easy.

你把压缩包装袋洗了再用。You wash and reuse ziplock bags.

然后,打开一个解压缩工具。Then, open it with an unzip tool.

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他看上去就像个压缩咖啡机!It looks like an espresso machine!

其中一个就是HANA的压缩问题。One issue was compression in HANA.

将包解压缩到某个目录中。Unzip the package into a directory.

您下载到的是一个压缩文件。Your download is a compressed file.

我已经把它塞满了,压缩了。I have crammed it and telescoped it.

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用户对邮件数据库的压缩User compaction of the mail database

把这块粘土压缩成一个小球。Compress this clay into a small ball.

液体基本上是不可压缩的。Liquids are incompressible, basically.

对个人机用户来说,压缩文件是可执行的。For PC users, the files are executable.

但是我不太确定这是否压缩了范围I'm not sure it does compress the range.

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他把这一段压缩成一行。He condensed the paragraph into one line.

请不要再用密码压缩了!Please do not reuse passwords compressed!

这个需要解压缩才可以看到。The need to decompress before we can see.