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她会轻易地瞒过他。She can easily outfox him.

它能轻易地拯救或毁坏一个人。It saves or destroys lustily.

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把铁棒弄弯很不轻易。It's hard to bend an iron bar.

那匹马于比赛中轻易获胜。The horse won the race canter.

你不能那么轻易地欺骗我。You can’t fool me that easily.

之后,我已不会被轻易震惊。I was no longer easily shocked.

惩戒是轻易就可以付诸实践的事情。Punishment is an easy reaction.

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那匹栗色马轻易地赢了那场赛马。The sorrel easily won the race.

这个是不能被轻易模拟的。This is cannot by easily me-too.

这只能轻易打开海贝。This one easily crack seashells.

也有其他人很轻易就流于酗酒。Other people drink too much alcohol.

这场比赛我们队轻易获胜。Our team walked away with this game.

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那块薄饼很轻易地从锅里滑落出来。The cake easily slid out of the pan.

鸟儿可以轻易地飞到天上去。Birds can fly up into the sky easily.

食物在炎天轻易蜕变。Food is apt to deteriorate in summer.

我将会轻易通过四级考试的。I will ride over CET-4 in the future.

容易轻许诺言的人也容易轻易忘记!A man apt to promise is apt to forget!

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很轻易就充塞那小小的剧院。Filling the little theatre. with ease.

普通车辆可轻易抵达停车场。Normal car can reach trailhead easily.

而我们不会让他们轻易得手。And we won't let them get away with it.