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不用麻烦了。Don’t bother.

哇,不用麻醉剂?Wow, no anaesthetic?

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连试都不用试。without even trying.

不用谢。再见!Not at all. Good-bye!

不用为这个太烦恼。Don't worry about that.

不用解释。Needn't try to explain.

你只需要对她说不用谢。Just say you’re welcome.

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晚10点以后不用手提。No laptops after 10 p.m.

这是一个不用动脑子的方法。This one is a no-brainer.

词不用就会成为废词。Words fall off by disuse.

不用担惊受怕。You didn't have to worry.

我就不用更改任何东西了。Other than that interface.

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不用调整你的显示器。Do not adjust your monitor.

不用顾虑,试试你的运气吧。Donat worry. Try your luck.

真的不用太惊讶。Not too surprising, really.

分享给你,不用谢了。Share with you, not thanks.

从不用蜡笔、信用卡、牙线?Used a credit card?Flossed?

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不用撕纸,方便取用。Do not tear, easy to access.

如果你不愿意,那么就不用麻烦来进行这些项目了。If not, simply don't bother.

想像一下不用电池的生活吧!Imagine a battery-free life!