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全行业的总产值大约在7300亿元人民币左右。Industry-wide output of about 7300 billion yuan.

在这些年里它的工业总产值增长了5.6倍。Its total industrial output value was up 5.6 times in these years.

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Lang说人类转向高蛋白食谱需要更多的农业总产值。Lang says the move to protein-rich diets requires significantly more agricultural output.

换句话说,我们现在的欠账是整个美国一年总产值的3.73倍。That means that we owe an amount equal to 3.73 times the annual output of the entire U.S. economy.

工农业总产值预计翻两番。It is estimated that the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output will be quadrupled.

已在全国24个城市销售,并且每年总产值都有较大增长。The patent productions have been sold in more than 24 cities. The total output value increases every year.

进入九十年代后,纺织工业在改革调整中继续保持着较快的增长速度,1990-98年工业总产值。Since the 1990s, the under-restructuring textile industry has sustained faster growth. From 1990 to 1998, the.

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近年来,我国经济进入了高速发展的阶段,国民经济总产值持续增长。The economy of our nation has developed fast in recent years and the national production value keeps on going.

从宏观经济角度看,该计划的目标是刺激国内消费增长以与总产值持平。From a macro-economic perspective, the aim is to allow domestic consumption to grow in line with overall output.

要提高世界总产值中军费的比重,就只能削减居民的消费。Increasing the military share of the gross world product has been possible only by reducing civilian consumption.

得克萨斯州是西南部主要的产油州,仅该州的石油总产值就占美国矿产品产值的五分之一。Texas a big oil-producer in the southwest alone accounts for one-fifth the value of all U. S. mineral production.

限额以下工业企业单位数为69544个,工业总产值为171.56亿元。Number of under designated industrial enterprises is 69544 , gross industrial output value is 171.56 billion yuan.

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中国国民总产值的迅速增长也回避了生活水平的实际降低。The rapid expansion of China's gross national product also obscured the lack of any real increase in living standards.

这里货币投放的目标是使工农业总产值规划得以完成,并使财政收支基本平衡和物价适度稳定。The output controllability and stability of the model, and the optimal currency supply problem are treared of in detail.

提出了把粗糙集和RBF神经网络相结合应用于农业总产值预测的方法。A new method for forecasting the farming gross output with rough set and RBF neural network has been presented in this paper.

作为传统棉麻之乡,上世纪80年代湖南的纺织工业总产值一度领跑全国。As the traditional home of cotton, linen, textile industrial output value of the last century 80 's Hunan once lead the country.

退耕还林促使土地利用结构发生改变,农业产业结构调整,农业总产值增长。However, due to the change of land use structure and adjustment of agricultural structure promoted by the implementation of the project.

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虽然目前的增速比过去十年那种两位数的增速要慢,中国占世界总产值及贸易的比例估计仍将持续上升。Even with growth slower than its double-digit rates of thepast decade, China'sshare of world output and trade is expected to keep rising.

然而,价格和人均国民总产值的关系可以用来估计短期的货币真正价值。However, the relationship between prices and GDP per head can be used to estimate the short-term fair value of a currency relative to others.

李克强副总理在最近一次常委会上警示,工业总产值很可能在整个2009年都将呈现疲软状态。Vice Premier Li Keqiang cautioned at a recent meeting of the Standing Committee that industrial output will likely remain weak throughout 2009.