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我号啕大哭。I howled.

两秒钟,你像个婴儿一样号啕大哭。Two seconds, you're bawling like a baby.

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我走出了房间,号啕大哭。I went outside with it and cried my eyes out.

他一走出门,她就号啕大哭起来。She began to howl when he walked out of the door.

因为把手机丢了,她站在那里号啕大哭。She cried loudly because she lost her mobile phone.

过了一会儿,从男孩的卧室里传出号啕大哭的声音。After a time, there arose a howl from the boy's room.

当我拿走他的玩具时,我三岁的孩子号啕大哭起来。My three-year-old ha ba fit when I took his toy away.

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没有人在号啕大哭。只是死一般的寂静。There were no families wailing. Just an eerie silence.

一位老人看见一个小男孩坐在路旁号啕大哭。An old man sees a little boy sitting on a curb, crying.

张美丽坐在脏兮兮的水泥地板上号啕大哭。A beautiful and sat down on the dirty floor bawler cement.

不过他也可能像一个小女孩一样号啕大哭,毕竟我们当时不在场。Or maybe he screamed like a little girl, we weren't there.

“那就再也不会快乐了,”她号啕大哭。"There won't be a happy-ever-after, " she wailed over and over.

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如今他确实有事情要号啕大哭,他倒停止哭泣了。But now that he really had something to cry about, he stopped crying.

这一分钟我还在号啕大哭,但是下一分钟我就可以大笑。One minute I was bursting into tears, the next I was laughing out loud.

接着她就倒在破旧的沙发上,号啕大哭起来。And, flinging herself down on the sagging sofa, she burst into wild crying.

周进见姊夫说中他的心事,越发号啕大哭。When Chou Chin heard Chin You-yu telling his sad story, he cried even harder.

我会像个在人行道上弄掉了冰淇淋的小小孩那样号啕大哭。I'll start bawling like a toddler who dropped their ice cream on the sidewalk.

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当戴着蓝色口罩的士兵们用担架将废墟中的尸体抬出的时候,家长们止不住号啕大哭。Other parents wail as soldiers in blue masks trudge through the mud, hauling bodies from the rubble on stretchers.

一位老人坐在公园长椅上号啕大哭,有位年轻人慢跑时经过,就问他出了什么事。An old man is sitting on a park bench crying his eyes out. A young jogger comes by and asks him what is the matter.

伤心委屈的时候要号啕大哭,哭完了洗洗脸然后用手拍拍,挤个笑脸给自己看。Sad aggrieved to weeping and crying out wash your face and then patting, crowded a smiling face to look at themselves.