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你不可以把他的诗歌和他的剧本相提并论。You cannot equate his poems with his plays.

事实上没人能在写作上和他相提并论。Actually no one can parallel him in writing.

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新的清洁能源经济将会迎头赶上,尽管把它和互联网相提并论还不合时宜。The new clean-energy economy will do no less.

我们不能与海龟相提并论。We can't say together with pea-partner sea turtle.

这就是为什么爱德华会拿它与吃豆腐和黄豆相提并论了。That's why Edward compares it to living on tofu and soy.

古希蜡的花瓶在制作工艺上也无法与它相提并论。The vases of the ancient Greeks cannot rival them in workmanship.

大多数英国人都把美国音和加拿大音相提并论。Most English people bracket American and Canadian accents together.

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你不能将美国的国民生产毛额和发展中国家的国民生产毛额相提并论。You cannot equate the GNP of USA with that of a developing country.

别因为我和他在一家公司工作而把我们相提并论。Don't bracket me with him just because we work for the same company.

的斗争相提并论,这一切让将她与许多老牌好莱坞明星区分开来。that helped separate Ms. Taylor from many other old-Hollywood stars.

他还把网络威胁与核武器和生化武器相提并论。He has also equated cyberthreats with nuclear and biological weapons.

人们把会使用秏羗计算机与人生成功相提并论。People equate success in life with the ability of operating computer.

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第一部分节奏比较慢,但是也就是和第二部分相提并论的时候。The first part is slower paced, but only compared to the second part.

人们把会施用计较机与人生乐成相提并论。people equate success in life with the ability of operating computer.

人们把会使用计算机与人生成功相提并论。People equate success in life with the ability of operating computer.

它远优于IE浏览器,并与FIREFOX相提并论。It’s much, much better than Internet Explorer, and on-par with Firefox.

只有我们能和上帝相提并论,别无分号。For no creatures under God are as we are, none so like Him as ourselves.

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中国也没法和委内瑞拉革命相提并论。There is nothing in China to match the Venezuelan orchestral revolution.

但是很难将毕加索1932年的作品与1904-5年的画作相提并论。But it is difficult to compare a 1932 Picasso with one painted in 1904-5.

漫谈专栏作家常把他们相提并论,因此一个婚礼也许临近了。Gossip columnists often bracket them together,so a wedding may be imminent.