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枪口直指T-Bag的脑袋。they ask. A gun is quickly pointed at T-Bag’s head.

血刀指着他的眉心,我愤怒的眸直指他的眼。Marshal pointing to his brow, I am angry eyes at his eyes.

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在她的下面,杰克完全没有觉察到这支直指向他喉咙的利箭。Below her Jake is totally unaware of the arrow aimed at his

随后更有媒体报道将矛头直指贝纳德大使。Subsequent press reports named Bernard as the ambassador responsible.

弥尔顿在这个著作中的论证直指政府许可之事。Milton's argument in this treatise is directed exclusively at licensing.

这一次他们将矛头直指中国,这个南部崛起的新势力。This time the main targets come from China, the rising power to the south.

而更糟糕的是,这部影片激起了一阵狂潮,矛头直指管理层。To make matters worse, the film has inspired a torrent of management drivel.

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他直指汪曼春根本就是军统的人,而明台更是被人利用和陷害。He directed Wang Manchun is juntong, and Ming station is being used and framed.

这一事件直指中国慈善行业的信用缺失问题。That pointed to the lack of trust that exists in the charitable sector in China.

阿麦驻军新野,剑尖直指靖阳关口。The wheat garrison forces is lately wild, the sword point keeps a Jing sun pass.

而另一些出处则直指一个印欧语系的词根dek,意思是“取到”或者“接受”。Some sources point to an Indo-European root dek meaning “to take” or “to accept.”

“他们在这儿!”一个安全军官直指欧比万和魁刚大叫。"There they are! " the security officer shouted, pointing at Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon.

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然,媒体的许多恶意中伤,矛头直指大的跨国公司。But much of the venom in the press, at any rate, is directed at big multinationals.

辐射尘向西蔓延,跨越了整个俄罗斯,直指欧洲。That radiation drifted westward, across what was then Soviet Russia, toward Europe.

首先对苹果徽标和方正徽标的直指进行分析。In Chapter 5, a semiotic analysis of the Apple logo and the Founder logo is conducted.

注意完全放松指尖关节现在是直指型的定义之一。Note that total relaxation of the third phalange is now part of the definition of FFP.

后殖民女性主义以其强烈的批判性直指西方对东方的知识霸权。Post-colonial feminism sharply criticizes the West's knowledge hegemony on the East's.

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接着突然向后冲出,炮管直指追来的战机。It is suddenly flying backward, staring directly down its barrels at the ships pursuing it.

换句话说,这个大统一理论能够描述宇宙的物理规律直指大爆炸那一创生时刻。It would describe the universe as it existed at the moment of its creation in the Big Bang.

过了一会儿,她往后一站,用手直指车站的最北头。After a minute she backed away and pointed very stiffly toward the north end of the station.