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爱德华总是对截止日期神经过敏。Edward always gets heebie jeebies from deadlines.

激动使她全身出神经过敏的皮疹。The excitement brought her out in a nervous rash.

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他象巫婆一样神经过敏,像熊一样横蛮凶狠。He was as nervous as a witch and as cross as a bear.

他们是虚荣的、神经过敏的、自恋而又自卑的。Both of them are peacockish, sensitive, narcissism and self-contempt.

神经过敏和承受力差是产生流言蜚语的常见原因。Disordered nerves and bad digestion are a common cause of backbiting.

神经过敏和承担力差是生成流言蜚语的常见原因。Disordered nerves and bad digestion are a common cause of backbiting.

但过多的咖啡因则会提高心率,引起高血压,还会导致神经过敏。But too much can increase heart rate, blood pressure, and jitteriness.

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根据国家睡眠障碍研究中心的数据,美国成年人中的百分之三十到四十在一年之内有过间歇性失眠经历,百分之十到十五患有长期失眠症状,神经过敏的人可是相当不少。Ten to 15 percent report chronic symptoms. That’s a lot of irritablenerves.

他老是神经过敏,自从心悸发生后更加厉害。He was always a 'nervous' person but more so since the onset of palpitation.

此外,他们还体验到神经过敏和负面情绪的减少。In addition, they experienced decreased neuroticism, or negative emotionality.

大量饮用咖啡能造成神经过敏、心神不宁和心跳加快。Large consumptions of coffee can cause nervousness, jitters and a racing heartbeat.

然而,过多的咖啡因会导致胃病、神经过敏、失眠以及脱水。However, too much caffeine causes stomach problems, jitters, insomnia, and dehydration.

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这通常表现为神经过敏、性格缺乏外向和随合的表现。This is typically characterised by neuroticism, and lack of extraversion and agreeableness.

在如今这些神经过敏的市场,某一方面的好消息对于别的市场则有可能产生不可思议的不利影响。In today's jittery markets, good news on one front can have surprisingly bad effects elsewhere.

他神经过敏,睚眦必报,麻木不仁,但同时也风度翩翩,魅力四射,满腔热血。He was neurotic, vindictive and insensitive as well as charming, charismatic and full of warmth.

除此之外,提前到也会给你时间镇定自己摆脱咖啡带来的神经过敏。Plus, getting there early gives you time to compose yourself and shake off your coffee jitters.

哈维·吉特勒一向知道他的新上司有些神经过敏——他们在公司的同一层楼面上共事过。Harvey Gittler knew his new boss was high-strung---the two had worked together on the factory floor.

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如果这个不可避免的事实让你觉得神经过敏,你可能需要了解一下伊斯特林悖论。If this fact has ever made you squeamish , then you may have taken comfort from the Easterlin Paradox.

既然温特沃思真的要来乡下,她必须告诫自已在这种问题上不要神经过敏。Since he actually was expected in the country, she must teach herself to be insensible on such points.

有一名31岁的女士告诉我她受到神经过敏和慢性颈部疼痛的折磨。Take the case of the 31-year-old woman who came to me complaining of nervousness and chronic neck pain.