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再次,是湖南书院的考课。Again is about the test classes.

这些学校叫做孔夫子书院。It called them Confucius Institutes.

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我下星期一在高主教书院教历史科!I'll teach History in Raimondi College!

你对陈氏书院的印象如何?How about your impression of Chen Academy ?

书院谨向黄教授致以衷心祝贺!Our hearty congratulations to Professor Wong!

你有兄弟姐妹就读于香港三育书院香港复临学校?Do you have any siblings studying in HKAC or HKAA?

卡特及夫人参观湖南大学岳麓书院。President Carter and his wife visit Yuelu Academy.

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打扰一下,能告诉我去岳麓书院的路吗?。Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Yuelu Academy?

孜知书院大扫除,请来了两个蜘蛛侠。Two Spider man were cleaning the glasses of my libary.

二零零四年二月,程教授获委任为逸夫书院院长。In February 2004, he was appointed head of Shaw College.

首善书院是晚明学者冯从吾、邹元标建立的讲学书院。Shoushan Academy was a traditional academy in late Ming.

这座书院在南宋的时候可是盛极一时。This academy had its heyday in the Southern Song Dynasty.

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逸夫书院教职员及校友请填妥报名表格报名。For staff and alumni, please send the completed reply slip.

书院谨向魏军城教授及陈国威校友致以衷心祝贺!Our heartfelt congratulations to Professor Wei and Mr Chan!

石鼓书院是中国历史上盛名天下的“四大书院”之一。The Stone Drum Academy is one of the four famous academies.

岳麓书院是中国古代四大书院之一。Yuelu Academy is one of the four famous academies in China.

城南书院在这几个方面都有它自己的特色。Cheng Nan Academy has its own characteristics in these aspects.

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对书院的研讨,并没有体系的理论和经验。Study of the Academy, there is no system of ideas and experience.

宝血会上智英文书院的同学介绍她们的设计模型。Students of Holy Trinity College presented their model and design.

2011年暑假我在欧美达英文书院作助教。I had some experience of being a teaching assistant in OMD in 2011.