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透明度是硬道理。Transparency is the clincher.

你可以修改透明度和流量。You can work transparently or opaquely.

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透明度的种类和程度是不一样的。The kind and extent of transparency may differ.

打开设置提高它的透明度。The open-back setting enhances its transparency.

华为公司存在透明度问题。"Huawei has transparency problems," said James A.

这并不意味着富裕,而是透明度。It does not mean opulence but rather transparency.

人造大理石透明度不好,而且没有光泽。Scagliola diaphaneity is bad, and without burnish.

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值得信赖的透明度超过令人厌倦的跟踪机制Trustworthy Transparency over Tiresome Traceability

现在能直接辨认TGA影像的透明度。Transparency of TGA images is now directly recognized.

其次,还要看看耐力板透明度高不高。Second, seeing endurance high transparency is not high.

我们要求管理权,透明度和保险。We are asking for governance, transparency and insurance.

如果你不知道图层填充是什么,它就在不透明度的下面。If you’re not sure what Fill is, it’s right below Opacity.

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送奶工是一种获得信息披露和信息透明度的不错途径。The milkman is a model of good disclosure and transparency.

透明度翡翠的透明度又称为“水头”。Transparency jade transparency is also known as the " head".

他们要求更高的透明度和一个新的道德守则。They called for greater transparency and a new code of ethics.

高光泽,透明度高,高爽滑。High output, high gloss and good transparency. High slip agent.

实行财务公开,提高透明度和群众监督机制。Improving openness of the politics and mass superintend system.

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有许多的复制,黏贴,透明度的调整和缩放要去做。There was a lot of copying, pasting, transforming, and scaling.

透明度可以造就一个团队,但是领导者们通常对此心存危惧。Transparency builds a team, but leaders are often afraid of it.

极高的透明度,耐黄及老化测试均可达4.5级以上。Superior clear, UV light test and aging test can reach level 4.5