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我依然对我的家乡恋恋不舍。I am still attached to my hometown.

汤姆对他的家恋恋不舍。Tom is reluctant to part with his home.

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有时候它们恋恋不舍地跟着他。Sometimes they attached themselves to him.

夫妇俩儿恋恋不舍地离开伦敦。The couple tore themselves away from London.

八月份原本就是一个憧憬和无奈,又恋恋不舍的月份。August is the month of Fall, which comes the harvest.

不要回望过去、恋恋不舍,因为过去的已经过去。Do not look back and grave of the past for it is gone.

她在黑头发上系着红缎带,恋恋不舍自己的梦。She wore ribbons in her black hair and clung to her dreams.

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所以我恋恋不舍回头张望,绿水青山却是一片苍凉。Therefore, I reluctantly looked back, it is a desolate lies.

哭过,笑过,吵过,闹过,再恋恋不舍也都只是曾经。Cry, laugh, shout, make, and unable to part from it was once again.

我坐了下来,行囊里开始挤满暮色,我开始那么地恋恋不舍。I sat down, case began with twilight, I started so and unable to part from.

那只小猴还追我好远,望着我的口袋恋恋不舍的。I am also a good monkey bird chasing away, looking at my pocket reluctantly.

所以我现在还对自我介绍恋恋不舍,不愿抛弃。So I now also is reluctant to part with self-introduction, not willing to abandon.

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我只好恋恋不舍地爬到沟上,把劫后的剩余捡进背篓里。I had to be reluctant to get to the bank, put the remained carrots into the basket.

分手随便可似找一个接口,而恋恋不舍得依旧是哪个深嫒的人。Separation can not find an interface, and reluctantly have to still love that person.

维尔贝尔伊承认,他能够理解人们对于传统品脱玻璃杯的恋恋不舍。Mr Verebelyi said he accepted that drinkers are attached to the traditional glass pint.

天地面一朵朵礼关闭,我们一家恋恋不舍地离去了。Sky in a fireworks were blossoming open, we have one of the people sorry to see him go.

景区内,凤凰姑娘、飞来钟、齑汤桥等一个个美丽的民间传说同样使人恋恋不舍。Area, the Phoenix girl, flying Bell, powdered soup bridges a beautiful folklore same people forget.

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孙银虎对李秀梅依然恋恋不舍,王葡萄仍在地窖中照顾着那个日本人。Sun Yinhu xiu-mei li still reluctant to go, the king grape still looked after the Japanese in the cellar.

我们也与大家一样,在这个即将要挥手告别的日子里,感到恋恋不舍和伤感。And we also like everybody , at this time we have to say goodbye , feel be deeply attached to say and sadness.

表现了诗人对家乡的恋恋不舍以及客居异乡的无奈与痛楚。Expresses the poet's home reluctantly, as well as staying as a guest a foreign country's frustration and pain.